just want to add: toothaches are made worse by sugar in your mouth fasting can help them a lot... bad sugars are super bad... maltodextrin, which is chemically treated starch, is especially bad at promoting tooth pain i should add there is a few other triggers, one is some kinds of coffee, especially extracted via filter (i suspect it is the caramels) and anything with glutamate in it, this also makes sensitive nerves trigger and lastly, there seems to be only one brand that sells it but Sensodyne toothpaste, which contains potassium nitrate, this potassium nitrate numbs exposed dental nerves i have suffered this problem a long time so i can tell you all the ways it is made worse i should also add that everything that leads to type 2 diabetes makes you more vulnerable to toothaches, most especially high glycemic sugars, starches and the thing the doctors are not saying - artificial sweeteners