THIS MENTALLY ILL MAN TINKS HE IS A MUSLIM WOMAN AND HE'S IN CHARGE OF OREGON'S DRUG TREATMENT FUNDS🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 "WOW (a thread): Dharma Mirza, a tri-chair of the panel in charge of distributing Oregon's Measure 110's drug treatment dollars, blasted efforts to reform/repeal M110 as "misinformation," "dangerous," and informed by "unabashedly racist and ableist rhetoric." (1/6) #orpol #orleg Dru Draper @drudraper In testimony before the Health Care Committee, Mirza, a "transgender woman of color," "Muslim woman," "Pakistani first generation immigrant" in recovery, stressed that Measure 110 does NOT need "increased scrutiny" and blamed law enforcement for increased drug problems. (2/6)" Dru Draper @drudraper "Mirza seemed to call for the M110 Oversight & Accountability Council to have the power to regulate law enforcement. "When they don't believe in Measure 110, they don't believe people deserve rights... they don't believe people are worthy of recovery." (3/6)" "In 2017, The Corvallis Advocate feature"d Mirza (drag name: Miss Dharma Prada MacPherson) about her efforts to "engage... queer youth, trans youth, and youth of color" with a new drag club at Oregon State University called the "Haus of Darma." (4/6) "Mirza's testimony seemed to be a bridge too far for Democratic House Health Care Committee chair Rob Nosse. "Candidly, between you and me, I think there are a lot of other people that feel very differently about how this is all landing right now." (5/6)" "Mirza, and others on the Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council are appointed by the governor. There has been a lot of turnover on the Council, so Mirza could have been appointed by Kate Brown or Tina Kotek. Look at all the members here: (6/6)" #YWNBAW #WomanFace #NotYourFetish #GenderBlackFace #NotYourCostume #AGP #Autogynephile #Autogynephilia #PeakTrans #TransCult #GenderAtheist #GenderWooWoo #DropTheT #GetTheLOut #WomenDontHavePenises #KeepWomensSpacesSingleSex #SexNotGender #SexMatters #AntiKink #AbolishSissyHypnoPorn #SexIsNotACostume
I don't know that much about Oregon's M110, but this guy is crazy. How the hell did he get on the Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council? He says he is a "transgender woman of color," "Muslim woman," "Pakistani first generation immigrant". Hell, NO. He is just a delusional man with a lot of mental health problems. He shouldn't be in charge of anything. I believe he deserves drug treatment because all humans should have access to treatment. However, this crazy man should not be tasked with oversight and accountability. He would terrify Muslim women and poor women of color seeking drug treatment services. There is no way the majority of women would ever confide in him. So, what special expertise does he bring to the table?