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 Wow! Digging into the past can be quite interesting. My great uncle passed a long time ago. He personal claim to fame was being the first flying doctor in Oz with a mate of his. To be honest, he found the whole family crest thing bloody stupid! 
 I love family history, it's just SO fascinating to think about. Once you go over 100 years ago there's just no compression as to what really happened. There are of course Grandparents you could quiz but as a kid it's the last thing on your mind. It's only when you get a bit older and appreciative of life that you think, wow, I wonder what that was REALLY like...!! 
 One thing am grateful for. My grandfather always sat down for an hour or two listening to his classical music looking out of the conservatory. Whenever I visited, I just sat at his feet and he'd tell me stories. I was far to young unfortunately so don't remember enough but still time well spent! 
 My paternal grandad used to listen to classical music too😳. I was quite young when he died but I do remember that fact. He really liked his music and always spent a lot of money on his "Sound systems", my dad inherited his last one. It was made by "Hitachi" and was separates, Amp, Radio Receiver and "Tape Deck"👌🏻. Speakers. Baring in mind it was my grandads and then my dad's, I actually had that system till I was about 15 years old. My dad had it "Serviced" in probably the very late 80's and the guy who looked at it said, and I quote "If ever you're going to sell this, I'll buy it off you". They don't make ANYTHING like that anymore😬😂.  
 Sounds very familiar. I carted around a stack of vinyl that weighed around 50kg for years. Some of the records were all the way back from early 20th century in thick bakerlite. Spent years trying to get family members who were more settled to take them and offered to pay for shipping. Sad to end up giving them all to a charity shop but way to much for a vagabond to cart around. Hope someone is enjoying them now! 
 Again, similar repostè. My dad was a Northern Soul DJ back in the day. Loads of very rare 45's, imported from America, some are worth an absolute fortune now. Most of them are in my loft, my dad is 70 now so his peers will be of the same age, the perfect age for retirees with shit loads of spare money to buy records from their youth that they couldn't once afford.

I might start to trickle them back onto the market😬😂. 
 I think economists have not priced in the valuation of lofts 
 Ha ha, no, absolutely not. Right I'm off to bed. Happy bore(ing)🫡.