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I heard about this app from the tik tok before it gets banned. 
What do you all think about this ban? 

 Hey welcome! I don't think the ban is going to go through, they have said the same things numerous times and it never actually happens.  
 It’s gonna be gone ✌🏽 
 I really hope so! Things are getting kind of scary out here 😅 
 banning any social media is not a smart move. 
 Agree, maybe all a big push to get people over here?? 🤷‍♀️ 
 I think that’s an awesome idea 
 I 100% agree. It’s a huge infringement on our first amendment which is kind of scary 😟 
 Glad you’re here! 🎉 
 Thank you thank you! Glad to be here and meet so many cool people already! 😸😸 
 Yes there are a ton of great people here!! 
 It probably won’t happen, but you have found a safe place to never worry about it in the future. 

You will find a friendly and warm welcome on #nostr. No algorithm is going to make you mad or cry laughing all the time, but it’s 100% authentic. You can see the difference everyday if you go cold turkey from other social media. It’s actually quite peaceful leaving that all behind. 
 That is so sweet of you. Thank you so much! I feel so welcomed- which is very rare to happen on the internet 🥹🥹❤️ sending you much love 
 Welcome home! 🫂 
 That is so sweet of you. I appreciate this so much. 🩷🩷 sending you lots of love 🥹🥹 
 TikTok is a real danger to society.
#TheNostr is a real danger to those that want to destroy society 
 I feel as though society is on the brink of a collapse. But with endings come new beginnings✨✨ 
 Agree, and we need to decelop skills and networks of people to  build that new beginning. 
 Good riddance ✌🏽 
 Welcome to the real social media
 welcome 🫂This is the way  
 Welcome to nostr.
Tik tok will only get "banned" if bytedance dont divest its amercian division.
But its better to be on nostr and out compete it.. 
 just a FUD 
 Hey Amelia, welcome 🫂💜☀️🥹 
 I don't particularly like TikTok all that much, but I don't like censorship even more so. Welcome to Nostr 🫂💜🤙🏻 
 Never used Tik Tok Amelia but welcome to freedom. Learn to zap sats, that will blow your mind about value for content 🔥 
 Can you link to the video you saw? Curious as there's a lot of TT people coming over. 
 I’ll try to find it! 
 Hello and welcome to #nostr 
We are uncensored here 
😎 🫂  
 Good morning 🌞 
 Welcome to #nostr 🫂💜☕️ 
We will all be #nostr only soon enough. 
 Welcome to Nostr. A Tik Tok ban would be a massive government power grab that will be abused. Let's hope it does not happen. Nostr is here in case it does.  
 This is just the one of many more "bans" by governments. They will happen more and more over the next several years.  Nostr is just getting started but will end up growing huge due to it's censorship-resistance tech. 
 I think its a way for more control and it will give them ability to ban sites they fear and VPNs.  Tiktok is just the cover for it all. 
 Despite individual users speech (and our rightful concerns on censorship) we also have to reconcile at some higher level  a platform is what the platform does. Tiktok (which can’t be separated from its algorithm influence) is feasibly a psychological weapon from china on the west. Facebook, instagram, etc are likely similar,  just wielded by different factions.  Some  are big mad at Musk for disrupting their preferred influence toolkit. Media coverage on X  makes this clear.  (To be clear, X still probably isn’t healthy for most of our minds/souls either, but now a little harder to control. ) Time on Decentralized platforms helps make this clear….. It’s why nostr will feel different. It might be our  first steps to orient ourselves towards a #humanforever  world. 
 lizard people running the government 🤷‍♂️

 The NOSTR can not be banned  

I have an extreme hatred for the platform, but, my disgust for "banning" things is infinitely more and higher. 

Just another reason to not want/need/desire/respect any "state."  
 My feelings exactly  
 Welcome to a better place in cyberspace! 
 New doors open at the right place and the right time. Welcome 🫂  
 Not a fan of TikTik. Good ridens. And welcome 💚 
 Banning any social media is a slippery slope that leads to lots of censorship and KYC tracking. It’s not about tick-toc or china. It’s about control. 
 Great to have you here! 
 Everyone comes out  against censorship but won't say the word "nigger" online 
 Don’t start.  Just don’t. 
 Never had TIkTok and I don’t like it, but censoring would be an epic oxymoronic mistake.

Nostr is freedom data. Let’s go!

Nostrich hatching is awesome! Welcome #introductions 
 An important question that we need to put on the table. If someone posts content that is controversial, banned or illegal, it's a valid question where authorities can and should go to deal with the content. And the correct answer is that the authorities should first identify the profile that made the post. They are the source of the content, so they are responsible. 
The second place to go is anyone who shared the content, which is visible information on record for everyone to see. 
The third place to go might be the nodes that host the content, with the proper resolution being that those nodes can mute the profile that made the posts. 
But the original profile that is the source of the post has full responsibility for their own actions.
Going after an entire platform just because you don't like something? That's not desirable, and not possible. That's what a protocol based social media makes possible. Responsibility and accountability. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. 
 The other aspect of the ban is the user data mining. Well, they can try that here, but they're not going to get very far.  Everything is on the table. Followers, following, zaps, whatever. Have fun storming the castle. 
 This is the place you want to be. Forward we row. Welcome 💚 
 Let em ban it, you have nostr now 
 Welcome to Nostr!

Hopefully you/tiktokers find a nostr app that suit your needs

What I think about the ban? Complete BS


 Welcome to #nostr
 It’s a way to control the information we all share with each other. They don’t give a shit about doing something good for the people. 
 The shite fookery of centralization will out itself…it’s inevitable…and freedom tech will rise (also inevitable)🌅 
 We all hate government so anything they do we are against 
 Seems to me Google and Facebag paid off politicians because Tic Tok is eating their lunch in ad revenue! 
 We don’t know what banned content means here. Now you’re really free. 
 Bans, rules and laws tend to inhibit freedom more than solving a core issue. I say what’s the solution that doesn’t require those things…

Just use nostr!!! 
 Can't ban Nostr!  Welcome 👋
 Us first Nostr folks tend to be pretty anti TikTok. But I think it’s feels like the patriot act where we will never escape this dangerous massive expansion of arbitrary federal power. Bad precedent that will be used against good people and businesses in the future when the government doesn’t like what they say. 
 Welcome! Glad to have you on here 
 Beat it. Nostr is all full. Try Reddit. 
 Be nice Sats 😂

Forgot to say GM 
 Govt intervention in product choice is illegitimate. Use nostr if you please, but also use a vpn if you can to access TikTok if you really like it.  
 You can’t ban a protocol.

Welcome to freedom friend 
 Also setup a wallet.

Payments are direct and use real money here 😄 
 It's not really a ban unless the CCP refuses to divest. 
 Twitter and tik Tok going to shit is the best thing to ever happen to decentralized media  
 It means nothing to me. They can’t ban me from nostr! 
 What I think - that it's a desperate power grab by centralized forces - but kind of inevitable at this point. When the narrative starts getting out of control, time to crack down.
Very happy to have a protocol like Nostr and decentralized protocols in general. 
 Not a fan of TikTok, but even less of a fan of any goverments telling you what you can or can't do.

It will serve just as a stepping stone for more bans and power grabs for them. The only thing all the parties always universally agree on.

Just show them the finger and opt out. They have no rights over your free choices. Their legitimacy ended long time ago, they just didn't catch up yet.

Use the tools over which they have no authority or coercive powers. Those tools were designs primarily for this purpose, of protecting your freedoms and rights against any coercion. Nostr is one of them.

Nostr also has a very anti-monopolistic design, so that not even the clients have any coercive powers over you (unlike facebooks or twitters of the world). You will always be able to take your login, all your "friends" and content, and move to a more attractive competitor you want to play with.

* Supppemental recommended reading
- A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace by J. P. Barlow

 Doesn't affect me, I don't use tick tock. 
 TikTok ban is just to make the big tech monopoly better. Our governments hate us.  
 Welcome. Good, try to ban us. We will outsmart them with better unstoppable technology. We will win.  
 Have the 'banners' actually heard of, or know what, #nostr is? Is it on there radar? And does it matter?

 Nothing. It's just a USA thing. Besides, I've never understood the motivation behind using TikTok. 
 🤗💜 This video will get you up to speed 👇