Today, I had a work meeting with a young but eager fellow. We had a chat, I explained a few things, and he agreed with the technical choices I suggested. However, the issue arose when I mentioned writing a few lines of a "tutorial" on how to do certain things. His response: "Can't you make a video?" Surprised (but not too much), I argued that in my opinion, a concise written tutorial is more practical than a pointless video. His reply: "We only watch videos now, even my colleagues look up solutions on YouTube." This is despite the wealth of excellent tutorials on StackExchange and various blogs. I wonder: why waste half an hour watching a video that could be summarized in a few lines of text (saving time for both the producer and the user)? #WorkCulture #Technology #Tutorials #LearningPreferences #StackExchange #Productivity #TextVsVideo
Great point .. can you please make a video of it and please put it on YouTube :-) .. On a serious note - can't agree more, for I spend most of my day on terminal .. no X or Wayland .... I can run vids in the terminal but that's just too much . .. on the other hand text is so much easier to search / handle for terminal users #ddgr #vim #w3m .. besides the fact that vids are such a wastage of bandwidth .. The only reason one should make videos is if their target audience can't read 😭 .. or if the video truly has some entertainment value ..
For me, if am a newbie in a topic, I know I'll find a lot of outdated Information on the internet, many bad Tutorials, and trying one by one to find out they are wrong is cost intensive. In this scenario I prefer a video, because trying many of them to sort which are good and bad takes less mental energy and is more motivating. However, when I feel good enough in a topic, I prefer text