i'd be almost certain that you actually have a food allergy but like me, normally it seems like you can get away with it but then when these other allergens get bad the whole immune system goes into panic mode and the anaphylaxis and inflammation kicks in
mine is celiac but there are other specific allergies, egg, milk, salicylates (tomatoes, capsicum) i think brassicas can cause allergies too
i know mine is celiac because i also get dermatitis herpeteformis, which is a rash i get around my elbows, hands and sometimes feet, that resembles toad skin or herpes, even when it's scratched, which you do because it's itchy as hell, and no, calamine doesn't calm it down, it also leaks yellow mucus when you bust up the skin, it is something to do with the pores... i only just realised that this skin problem was actually a symptom of celiac like last month...
what happens is when the primary allergy flares up from too much intake of the allergen, this triggers autoimmune reactions of other kinds as well, like when i first got the severe bronchoconstriction from the celiac back in 2014, i also had additional reactions to especially brown rice (not so bad to rice), to cucumber, watermelon, onion, garlic, tomatoes, capsicum, and even milk, but normally i tolerate all of those things well... and yes, dust and pollens also contribute, and i think maybe that what might normally not trigger the food reaction, when in combination with several others, like lesser allergens, egg, milk, pollen, etc
it is basically impossible to identify exactly what it is without doing elimination and i did that back then and found that the only things that didn't trigger it were meat and potatoes, and sausages, which are meat and potatoes
anyhow, fasting is the number one thing to do to get it to go away... once the gut clears after 3 days, it also resets your metabolism and the immune system settles down with nothing continuing to irritate it
stuff we eat hangs around in our bodies for about this long typically, in the mouth, in the throat, in the intestines, if it sticks to or gets lodged in cracks and crannies it will continue to irritate until it's mostly eaten by bacteria or washed away