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 'Black alien' who mutilated his body says restaurants refuse to serve him. 

Do you think they are right? https://image.nostr.build/ee8e2bb4c6b3706fca99c7d3649656ac2214ab0fae0c39367bfbb02d9da4ca05.jpg  
 A restaurant is a place to eat food and pay for it. So no. The dude is a dude who wishes to pay to eat some food 
 Restaurants also have the right to refuse service to anyone. No one owes you their labor. 
 The dude is a dude, just because he looks different doesn’t mean he should be excluded. Fuck that BS. If he’s polite he’s welcome in my home 
 In your home - is the exact point. Should be be excluded? That's not a decision anyone should be making for anyone else. That's authoritarian by definition. 
 A restaurant is a business.. excluding customers based on looks is ridiculous 
 It is also the choice of the business owner (kinda like the owner of a house) to choose what patrons they want to serve. 
 I could not care less what someone does. My point is it’s ridiculous 
 I don't disagree that maltreatment of people by people is wrong. I simply disagree more with authoritarian positions, - they do far more harm. 
 There is no authoritarian position. I’m merely saying someone wishing to eat in a restaurant should be able to eat in a restaurant. The number of restaurants I’ve eaten in over the years full of suited drunken rude cunts far exceeds the places where I’ve seen people happily enjoying a meal looking different 
 It's equally ridiculous that I wouldnt take my kids to a restraunt where they were serving this psychologically damaged individual for their safety, and yet im sure im not the only one. From a logical standpoint, the business owner would be more inclined to reject his business for the sake of retaining his base. 
 Only if he barks at other customers.