Oddbean new post about | logout
 While we have you here. Can you help me understand how Bolt12 works? 

Can anyone put a Bolt12 invoice and take my sats? Not sure how security works really. 
 ive been using bolt12 to receive sats from Ocean, are you having trouble setting it up? i cant speak to the technicals but its been working for me for months 🤙  
 I would love to get some help. If you have time. 

Also, I was just wondering, can someone steal my sats? I’m guessing the answer is no, but how. 😅 
 well, with a bolt12 offer its receive only. its akin to someone getting your lnaddress.  
 do you currently run a lightning node with bolt12 offers enabled? for example i run core lightning on my start9, and used ride the lightning to create my offer.  
 No, you need to sign a message with your L1 address to link it 
 Aaah.. that makes since. That’s what I thought I just didn’t see any of that language on the configuration page. But maybe it’s on a second screen that I haven’t seen yet. 
 let me know if get hung up, im happy to help 🤙