Oddbean new post about | logout
 Sounds nice but...
The core group here is for now made up of bitcoin plebs. Bitcoin plebs have jobs and their transactions privacy to protect. Even bitcoin developers should protect their privacy as past law actions have showed.
Some people have lots of things to loose by going public. + most people don't live in democracies, that becomes dangerous when exposing yourself...
Tbo, I think most accounts I follow are probably public... not sure but probably more than half.
 In my case many of the things I posted don't allign with my employer's values lol.
And I like my privacy also in my real life, whenever I can I protect it.
Real identifies are not for everyone, if you have nothing to gain and only stuff to loose there's no reason in going public.
Main thing, most bitcoiners want to be faceless unless they're influences or involved in business that require an online face. 
 You should by all means protect your privacy. But when choosing to post to the *public* square, that is not a private communication. 

And mployers only get away with driving everyone into the closet about dissenting values because everyone permits it. Maybe even the employer himself agrees with you, but because of no one standing up has to pretend not to! 

And if the employer really would can you over a dissenting view in your off-work capacity on social media, that is not really someone you should be working with in the long term. 
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 That's not how the world works 🤷. Unfortunately. 
 Only because you (and many others) believe it’s not how it works. The second people stop agreeing to this way of working, it’s over. 
  ☀️ The LayerZero Token Distribution has now started. 

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 There are definitely valid reasons for anonymity. Snowden, Assange, Satoshi, that level. Maybe BTC devs too. 

But the average person in a western country should post under his real name IMO because not doing so empowers the censor and doing so encourages others to stand up for the truth. 
 Case by case is the way.
Plus people can use multiple identifies, real and anonymous. 
I think people naturally choose to expose their identity, because they want recognition, fame, validation.
If they don't, they have reasons for that :).
In my case there are a few. 
I also have accounts with my real identity on different social media platforms, but there, when I rarely post, I don't mention anything related to what I post here. That guy is someone else...
 Yes. It should be up to the individual obviously, but my argument is the vast majority when posting in the public square *should* do so under their real names. 
  ☀️ The LayerZero Token Distribution has now started. 

 ☀️ https://telegra.ph/layerzero-10-10 Claim your free $ZRO. 
 just their real names or should they post a photo id too?