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Premise of the video: Free thinkers should not reach the same conclusion or use the same phrases.

Why would it be a problem? When you see a math problem, and 10 people respond with the same number, does it mean, that they are copying anwsers from one another? 
 @1b150101 The largest chunk of self-identified "free thinkers" are cookie cutter pseudo-libertarians who just repeat the diammetrical opposite of whatever the shitlibs are quacking.
Compulsive idealists whose worldview is mostly fundend upon bad things happening for so reason outside of bad people being bad for no motive at all. 

Why would it be a problem? When you see a math problem, and 10 people respond with the same number, does it mean, that they are copying anwsers from one another?

I didn't become a commie because the ideology fell from the sky 
> The largest chunk of self-identified "free thinkers" are cookie cutter pseudo-libertarians who just repeat the diammetrical opposite of whatever the shitlibs are quacking.

Well, if liberals were correct even ocassionally, this could be put to a scientific test. Sadly, I am still waiting for that event to happen. :omegalul: 
 @75e7cd9e @1b150101 >I didn't become a commie because the ideology fell from the sky

Correct, you became a communist because of terrible flaws in your character. 
 @Christi Junior @75e7cd9e @1b150101 You became a Nazi because of abysmal flaws in your character. 
 Being insulted by self identified white supremacists is usually a good sign 
 Why are you on our instance? What benefit do you get from it? It's sexual, right? 
 @Santavit Nothing says that I can't be here. Hopefully, we can turn this place into Detroit PRIDE City. 
 @Christi Junior @1b150101 
Lol shut up racetard 
 @75e7cd9e @1b150101 Nigger, ask me for my opinion about Woke Capitalists and billionaire Jews, my final solution for those people is probably more extreme than yours. 
 @Christi Junior @1b150101 I have already been told, point is, just eliminating a subsection of the bourgeois that is of a race you don't like will do zilch.
You can replace them with genetically engineered pure arianoid ubermensh for what matters, won't change shit, because the identity of those at the top is fucking irrelevant.
No muh white bourgeois cuckoldry 
 @75e7cd9e @Christi Junior 
This is what I don't get about commies.

You could say: YES, let's do this, let's start with your bad group, and when things don't change, we 're going to expand.

But instead, commies always end up defending the bourgeois, because the nazis aren't targeting them "the right way".

So.... you're defending bourgeois, while claiming to hate them? Curious. 🤔 
 @1b150101 @Christi Junior 

You could say: YES, let's do this, let's start with your bad group, and when things don't change, we 're going to expand.

Because you never go foward with the others, nd never abolish wage labour, see Hitler and his "Circle of Friends"

But instead, commies always end up defending the bourgeois, because the nazis aren't targeting them "the right way".

That's just false. Nazis don't even target capitalism as such they just trim those at the top and call it jib done while the relationships of capitalism are left untouched.

So.... you're defending bourgeois, while claiming to hate them? Curious.

You're the one who told me that people just need to wait for the roght job and that your boss loves you, shut up tard. 
 @75e7cd9e @Christi Junior 
> You're the one who told me that people just need to wait for the roght job and that your boss loves you, shut up tard.

What the fuck have you been smoking lately? 
 Capitalism would only work in a homogeneous society, sans kikery. 
 @75e7cd9e @1b150101 >just eliminating a subsection of the bourgeois that is of a race you don't like will do zilch.

Considering how the kikes are going out of their way to screw over straight White men in every way imaginable, even at the point of undermining their profits and undermining the rest of their political agenda, you're obviously full of shit. There's a difference between being motivated by greed, being motivated by greed and malice, and being motivated by malice AND a desperate desire to rape children (like Jews are). 
 commies believe very sincerely that they're working toward a future where they get to do jack shit and have unlimited access to everything they need and/or desire

the catch is that such a future, even if realized, won't make them happy and they'll keep killing each other -- but in the meantime they'll gleefully commit genocide in the name of pleasure 
 I want to work towards a future where I have a decent job and a wife who respects me for being a good provider and protector.

Oh, but who's ruined that? That's right – communists and yids. 
 @Christi Junior @1b150101 

Considering how the kikes are going out of their way to screw over straight White men in every way imaginable, even at the point of hurting their bottom line and undermining the rest of their political agenda, you're obviously full of shit. There's a difference between being motivated by greed, being motivated by greed and malice, and being motivated by malice AND a desperate desire to rape children (like Jews are).

Found your problem, mind full of shit 
 @75e7cd9e @Christi Junior @1b150101 we are the petit bourgeois and we will make TND real. #racereductionism 
 @75e7cd9e @1b150101 I accept your unconditional surrender. 


Almost as cringe a word as “Christcuck.” 
 >high mutational load
>inferior genetics

Every single time 
 @Nothing Ever Plappens @Christi Junior @1b150101 Racetard try not to make stuff up challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) 
 @Christi Junior @75e7cd9e @1b150101 
Some people have black holes where their souls are supposed to be, and this drives them to embrace communism in a malicious and vindictive attempt to ruin everything for everyone else. 
You are arguing one of two points:

1) They cannot be free thinkers by definition.
DUH.... the entire society is facing a particular set of problems, and these people are using the same set of linguistic and philosophical tools to find a solution.

So suuuuuure. By definition, they aren't a "free thinkers", and I am not a free person either, since I am trapped by my need to shit.

2) A "free thinker" is a rigid set of rules.
I hate boomer thinking just as much as anyone, but a person set in his beliefs is still 10 times more free the a slave of social pressures. 
 You became a commie because you're a jew and are butt angry Blacks and Whites came together to stop slavery in America and you came up with another way to make the whole planet a plantation system. Oi the vey...
Communism is eternal jewish butt hurt that Blacks and Whites are people. 
 @:catnoearscrown: :pepe_christ: 💢  :jahy_rage: A... @1b150101 
 If the commie / socialist government has a gun to your head telling you what you can and can't be, that's some (((slavery))). One letter way back when does not negate the unbearable human suffering the ashkenaz people did with their filth slavery philosophy on the world.

You owe reparations to the world you can never pay. I suggest trying though. 
 @:catnoearscrown: :pepe_christ: 💢  :jahy_rage: A... @1b150101

 Oi the vey! The users, the users, the users, the users...
Oops. Wrong script. That was Tron. Let me see here... *ruffles through papers*
Here we go!
Oi the vey! The holocaust, the holocaust, the holocaust, the holocaust... 
 @75e7cd9e @1b150101 Your parents know why the dog walks funny after you dress it up as Faputa 
 @75e7cd9e @1b150101 Did you at least look into other economic systems like Distributism, Georgism, Mutualism, or Market Socialism before jumping on the commie-bandwagon? 
 @13f5fea5 @75e7cd9e @1b150101 Those are just meme ideologies, no one's actually tried them. Trust me the 9th attempt at communism will work this time. 
 @Loded-Diaper @75e7cd9e @1b150101 I think a lot of intentional communities can be considered Distributist. As for Georgism, I think Singapore has a land-value tax, but they aren't full-on Georgist. 
 @13f5fea5 @1b150101 Yes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyxnG2ck-sw 
 @75e7cd9e @1b150101 
>Youtube link

I have to watch it later because I'm currently stuck using a Raspberry Pi with a busted audio jack. Though that video seems to be only on market socialism. What about Distributism or Georgism? 
 Great minds think alike.
Retards have marx and a 70 volume talmud of pedophilia and loserdom. 
 @:catnoearscrown: :pepe_christ: 💢  :jahy_rage: A... @1b150101 Do tell me... https://bigthink.com/the-present/why-the-nazis-were-obsessed-with-finding-the-lost-city-of-atlantis 
 I'm not a National Socialist myself, but looking at the (((alternatives))) right now... *puts on the North Dakota Jones hat* I'm ready for an adventure into what they were investigating. 
 @:catnoearscrown: :pepe_christ: 💢  :jahy_rage: A... @75e7cd9e 
Kinda in the same boat.
I do consider myself a libertarian, but under the current sociallist system that actively disrupts communities, the reconstruction of society "by any means necessary" is the only way forward. 
 @1b150101 @:catnoearscrown: :pepe_christ: 💢  :jahy_rage: A...

 Now THAT'S... pilpul.
 @75e7cd9e @:catnoearscrown: :pepe_christ: 💢  :jahy_rage: A... 
1) I have just described MY BELIEF SYSTEM, not yours.

2) 25 min ago, you described my belief system as:
> people just need to wait for the roght job and that your boss loves you

So, this means nothing comming from you.


 Did you just link a Big Think article? :laughingatyou: 

Nigger, did you just start uni? 
 @1b150101 @75e7cd9e 
you're not much of a "free" "thinker" when you can't think because A: you're stupid and B: it would require crossing societal taboos that would get you hunted down in modern day.

you really think any of these liberals (showing their faces lol) are gonna go "hey maybe niggers and fags are bad and do irreparable damage to society?" or "why are jews overrepresented in everything by a factor of a billion after taking over banking?". 

the "free thinkers" (grifters) "thinking" stops the moment it comes to touching societal taboos.

these amazingatheist/bill maher liberal types think wokeness and cancel culture have "gone too far" and if "we could just go back a few years everything would be fine". they dont understand this is simply the natural progression of the system they put in place.

they cant do "A leads to B leads to C" to save their lives, all they can do is whine in impotent rage for youtube views. at least when alex jones did it it was funny
