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 Spammer seems to be targetting @jb55 specifically,

/me tapping “Show more” (showing posts outside WoT) on his posts:


 lmao the gif 
 yeah its a targeted attack that gets around my rate limiter. i’m already thinking of new kinds of tools on my relay to visualize number of notes coming from certain ip addresses, and a management tool that can ban them with a click.

Attacking me is either really dumb or smart depending on how well they want spam protections to improve. 
 I’m fine in damus ios with the friend filter, but my notedeck notification feed is useless, which reminded me to get a better WoT-scored based friend filter working over there. Started thinking of different kind of nostrdb indices for mapping who follows who and calculating WoT scores. Damus iOS does per-session friend and friend-of-friend tracking which actually works pretty well surprisingly considering how dumb it is. 
 How effective though is broadcasting the pubkey? A spammer can just keep using new ones indefinitely. 
 This is the dark side of spamming.  Spammers have been known to target devs personally, stalk them, attack them.  The last swiss guy was very abusive, too.  All for running a free service.  These are the worst people in the world.

 Spammers have awoken the sleeping giant. Or in this case, a motivated, intelligent development with just enough autism flowing through his veins to be their worst nightmare. https://media.tenor.com/aoQdZhUz6UUAAAAC/go-ahead-make-my-day-clint-eastwood.gif 
 Apparently not just me

 OMG...Nostr developers are just discovering spam...You would think they would have thought of that by now.... always reacting to problems... never preventing them. 
 yes we are lazy engineers 
 I can see that....get back to work...LOL
 IP addresses? IPv4? IPv6? you know there are many IPv6 addresses ... new one for each request ...