Oddbean new post about | logout
 I really want you to win. 


I mean that. 

Just know that. 
 Thanks dude 🫂 likewise 👊 
 Winning is fun! 
 You too bro. 👊 
 Thanks, Bro 🫂 
 Thank you, I feel the same way. 🫡 
 Thanks man 
 Thanks man <3 
 like stoics would say, winning without merits dont last much.
I want you to work hard and be disciplined reaching your goal: this will be the real winning, and is all sbout you. 
 Yes sir! It isn't always easy. And you're self belief has to be greater than everyone else's doubts! 
 Want you and your family to win too. Rising tide lifts all boats 
 Many don’t. Although they pretend otherwise. It is biblical. 

For there is no truth in their mouth; their inmost self is destruction; their throat is an open grave; they flatter with their tongue. Psalm 5:9

You brood of vipers! How can you speak good when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Matthew 12:34 
 and I you 
 like you said, just follow legitimate Bitcoin maxis on what they do. We'll win hard!!! 
 Same 🙌🏻 
 Thanks MR HODL 
 If you’re doing right, we already won - they just don’t know yet. 

Just HODL and enjoy the ride. 
 aww stop being so cute 
 a nice fat zap might help 
 We will win together 🫡 
 I tried zapping but primal is primal