This is one drum I will beat as long as I'm on nostr: Outsiders hear crypto and think scam and only scam. It does not matter if it is bitcoin, shitcoin, or general cryptography. So how do you easily dismiss them and not actually address their concerns, legitimate or unfounded? Just buzzwords like FUD. It's simple and you get to rally those that agree with you. Sadly, I think that if this "dismiss the non-believer" attitude is so prevalent amongst the most popular users, that nostr will lose any momentum it may currently have and relegate it to a super niche platform. And I do mean platform because that's how I and I would assume a fair few not-bitcoiners/developers see it and not a protocol.
There's nothing wrong with giving and brief explanation and then moving on if they don't carez don't get it, or don't want to know more. I truly believe people will slowly get orange pilled through osmosis as they become purple pilled. There's not need to be pushy. Nostr will just bring it about because it's natural. If you can understand fuck you social, you'll eventually understand fuck you money.
Honto niiii
*Kazuma Kiryu iz tha shaite!!!!
God dammit! Now I have that naisily voice clip stuck in my head!