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 I have a reaffirmed belief in god, but I still struggle with modern woke  Christianity. 
 I have found it difficult to find a church that hasn’t been captured by it. 
 Yeah we don’t go to church for this reason. 
 If it helps, many PCA, OPC, and 1689 Baptist have not been captured.
I'm in the CREC and I can say with confidence that there are no woke churches in our denomination.  
 Not all Christianity is modern or woke. Some of us still hold to the ecumenical creeds and reformed confessions and are based AF.

Check out nostr:nprofile1qqsqv6x9aeg8gd9nxw2qxuvnzakvg7qtgt8ecqpj6vwcp0656ey70hqpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qgawaehxw309ajxj6mpd9hhxvf4xymjumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6tc3y25qt if you have a chance. We stream to zap.stream for Sunday worship. 
 I’ll check it out, love northern Idaho btw 
 We should have you out for a meetup some time. We have a decent amount of Bitcoiners out this way. 
 I was up there during Covid. It was nice. No masks anywhere. 
 Speaking of masking during covid…the following pics were from Octoberfest in Fredricksburg, Tx from 2021…God bless those pleasantly noncompliant krauts…each and every one of them…that’s my wife’s peepl🐸 https://image.nostr.build/4b704ecce1f137e600078dafc71377f70bcb92e7583bb288ac5051ff9323c31d.jpg https://image.nostr.build/9d588ba743b92f91ae5037895fbe80ba892ac72eca8aff31450b37073573d57f.jpg  
 “masking during covid” is just libtard for “an election is coming, there is crime to be done, and we need to hide our faces without looking suspicious.” 
 Uhhh What exactly is happening here lol https://image.nostr.build/e9ade2c13d621fe97c87a64f11587564fd1fef011a7025ab6035da7202f0f749.jpg  
 Apparently if u show up in authentic kraut clothing the day pass fee is wave…I think several of the “hitler youth” had lost bets (best I can figure)🤷🏽‍♂️…things really got entertaining when the tried to enter the “feats of strength” contests (ie steinhoist) in the female bracket…it was quite the good natured brew haha with boisterous opinions on both sides😂🤣 
 via one of my follows, LibertyGal (idk why client is not finding this) there is a nice documentary The Essential Church about the fight of several christian churches across california and a few other places who refused to stop holding services, and i found it very interesting their point - about how we are compelled to gather in a church, and how it is good for us

i think i can easily see a dozen different ways that this gathering has a benefit for the interests of a common group in general and since i identify with teh idea of adhering to goodness, it makes it easier for people with weaker hearts to stay stronger, and for those who are tired of monastic struggle to feel some solidarity 
 What brought you back? 
 To believe in god again?

Having children. 
 Reject modern Christianity like the plague. It’s been feminized and basically castrated. Low T energy.

Catholicism has its quirks, but worth considering 
 I grew up catholic. I still respond to it better than the super lame bad rock music Christian mega church nonsense 
 Same here 
 Gotcha. Yeah the traditional latin mass stood the test of time for a reason. It’s making a comeback too 
 This was God's will nostr:nprofile1qqsp4lsvwn3aw7zwh2f6tcl6249xa6cpj2x3yuu6azaysvncdqywxmgprpmhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumwdae8gtnnda3kjctvq9n8wumn8ghj7enfd36x2u3wdehhxarj9emkjmn99ah8qatzx9e8gmr3vdsnsu3kv96hjcthx4hr26pnds6ngv3jv3kngumj0y6kg7nxv4jngd3exen8zefcwvm8zem4v34hxdmydf6xvuelvfex7ctyvdshxapaw3e82egpzpmhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejs5mzk3a 
 What quirks? Catholicism is the Church that Jesus instituted... People within the Church aren't infallible 
 Confessing to a priest, clerical celibacy, etc.

I don’t disagree about it being the church that Jesus instituted. 
 But numerous parts of the RCC have gone woke or heretical. Not looking for a fight here, to be clear. You are correct that much of modern Christianity is effeminite. But there is more with Rome to be concerned about than a few quirks.  
 True, but less so than other major denominations. I was talking about catholicism generally, as it’s been known through time. The current state of the Vatican and catholic church has not been totally immune to wokeism. We can agree on that 
 I will say that I'm discovering that most of the great Christian ethicists of modernity are Catholic or EO. Same with Biblical anthropology. Theology of the Body by John Paul II is near the top of my list of things to read. 

 God is a personal journey. Religion is a tool to direct us to higher experience. Tools can become corrupted, but the power of God remains. 
 Woke, Christianity... Choose one 
You can’t be Christian and accept the woke ideas. They are incompatible. 
 I'm not convinced GOD placed all the answers within a single religion. Maybe just like how language was split among the people, so too was religion? 
 God’s truth is in the Bible, in His Word. 
 What is your meaning of woke? 
 I nurture a peer to peer relationship with God 💜 
 There is only one Christianity. It is taught by the Bible. The proverbial church does not change the character of God. The Bible teaches you the character of God. You are more than energy and matter that collided billions of years ago that resulted in a being without meaning or purpose. You are made in the imagine of God, by intelligent design, with a very specific purpose for a very real good. 
 Though there are numerous corners of Protestantism that are not woke, I do recommend specifically checking out the content coming out of Moscow, ID and Ogden, UT. 

Poke around Canonplus.com and dougwils.com

And if you are a podcast guy, give The Kings Hall Podcast and the Hard Men Podcast a listen.  
 Full belief in God. Minimal belief in religion. 
 Chesterton called this about a century ago when he wrote the bit about virtues gone mad:

 Keep your eyes focused on Christ. His people aren’t perfect. We are in a process of sanctification where he is making us more and more like him. On this side of heaven, sin still affects us all but that’s what makes his grace and mercy so beautiful. 
 Organized religion is a joke. Study the Bible. You will be fine 
 Bible tells to be part of the body of church 
 Not the gay shit they have now… hard pass. 
 History in general and Church history in particular have been massively distorted, especially through the lense of an American. Apologetics in an "online" format is dangerous too, and I am certainly not blessed to engage in it, but what I will say is this: Jesus, the Christ, did establish a Church (His body) on Earth and it does have a particular order and function that is distorted in both the Protestant and Roman Catholic traditions. Christianity has inarguably transformed culture BUT if you presume that culture is downstream from religion , than innovations to the Christian tradition like the filioque and sola scriptura will (and already have) lead to cultural denigration.  
 The Bitcoin Standard book for understanding God is “Live Lighter Love Better,” but let’s try and make a quick parallel. 

Christianity = Bitcoin (Study to show thyself approved unto God, find a church that is cultural fit for you and the fam. This is part of the journey. Church is the bride of Christ, not God Himself.  

Catholicism = Ethereum, they copied the MoiP and it now has been hijacked by the state.

Mormonism- BSV, they say they’re Christians but they are clearly not. They go by a different book (code)
It’s just sad to watch them cling on. 

All other religions- XRP, BCH, Solana etc. They all know Bitcoin is king, but they haven’t studied enough and are blinded by the truth  and the traditions of men. 
 What about it is woke? 
 Wokeness has infected many churches. Probably because wokeness is similar to Christianity just without any of the redemption or forgiveness or tradition etc… you know all the things that make Christianity a fundamentally good thing. 
 It is the duty of the Christian in the congregation to know the Bible and hold the pastor accountable to the Word. Solo scriptura. 
 Ya interesting. I’ve been going to a local Christian church for about a year. Overall, I like the balance they strike, but there’s some things about Christian culture that I’m not a huge fan of, but I’m new to it too 🤷 

I haven’t picked up on any wokeness though. If anything, the guys and families we’ve met are very aligned in non woke values and thinking. 
 That’s a good thing. It sounds like you’re in a good community. 
 Since the 1970s revival, western churches have elected to pander to culture while trying to balance Christian doctrine. I prefer the East. 
 in bigger cities its tough to even find a church without a pride flag. In Denver  at least. 
Disgusting to think the church is embracing sexuality.  Anyone's  sexuality is thier own business, why would deviant sexuality be something to ever acknowledge let alone celebrate?
 Ya, that’s interesting. I’m in a mega woke state, so I’m honestly surprised I haven’t ran into it yet. We’re a good distance out of the metro though 
 Woke is not Christianity.  Verify,  don't trust.  Go to the source And read scripture.  Christ is King.  God manifest in the physical world.  Pray to Christ and experience His loving grace 
 True Christianity is antireligious. Jesus came to destroy religion. Study the Bible as a guide. 
 Christ is King 
 Can’t thank you enough for your contributions to Bitcoin brother @HODL !

Will legit be 🙏 for you.

To confess Jesus of Nazareth as Lord of the universe and Lord of one’s life is the lowest time preference choice one can make. Literally infinite time preference!

Isaiah 53:5 
 But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. ז [Zayin] 12 The wicked man plots against the 
 May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.”Psalm 83:18“ 
 Read about the lives of the saints.  These are our older siblings who have often gone against the current culture, holding onto their faith even to the point of extreme suffering and death.  My daughter is working on a film which will be released in Lent 2025 about St. Maximillian Kolbe, a priest who offered his life for another prisoner in Auschwitz.  I saw an early version.  It's coming along very well.  Here's the website:  https://www.triumphoftheheart.com  
H | 2 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 Before man made Christianity 

God existed 

So I hear you 
 First there was bitcoin, then there were a million shitcoins
First there was the universal church (catholic means universal), then there were a million protestant churches
 We don't need a Church my friend.  The modern Christian Church is just another system of control.

We don't need gate-keepers to know God.  The only gates are within ourselves.  Amen brother.

 Of course, the caveat is to stay away from the mainline denomination (PCUSA) which has fully bought into the woke BS.

OPC, BPC, URC and a few others out there are the way to go. 
 The number of christian denominations is a bug imo. They should be viewed as bitcoin forks imo

Biggest PoW denomination (Catholicism) wins over time 
 Christianity is not like Bitcoin, though. It does not need to maintain a single, uninterrupted chain (denomination) that everyone agrees with and is a member of.

It only needs to maintain consensus around one fundamental truth that all Christian denominations agree with and can therefore continue to call each other "brother" despite other differences of lesser importance that prevent them from maintaining organizational unity.

Namely the gospel of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to all those who have faith in him as the Son of God and in his atoning work on the cross for forgiveness of sin.

That's the only consensus I need to consider someone my brother in the faith, even if our other theological differences would prevent us from realistically worshipping together until Christ's return, when he will correct all of our errors and misinterpretations of his Word. 
 All good points, but I stand by my opinion. There is strength in uniformity. We can all have different hobbies when we go home after church, but I think Christianity would be more successful if there was more uniformity in the message and in the way we worship God 
 Resolve the differences about whether we should ask Mary or various saints to pray for us, about which both sides have adamant convictions. Resolve the differences about whether only professing believers should be baptized or also their children. Resolve the differences about whether Scripture alone is the standard of truth, or also tradition. Add to that the vast number of other theological convictions that prevent organizational unity.

And make sure your resolution is not coming from a centralized human authority structure. Would you take away the right of these Christians to hold a wide variety of convictions, all based on their belief that their view is what God commands of them? Only Christ has that right to set things straight when he returns, not any organizational structure made by man, which can and has often been corrupted.

Until then, freedom of conscience and denominationalism is the way forward. 
 Deniminations are more akin to Bitcoin developers. The actual faith is akin to Bitcoin. The problems with the mediaeval Catholic church and state capture show the risk of having only one group developing Bitcoin. Having diverse development teams maintains decentralisation and avoids bad incentive structures  
 Christianity is not like Bitcoin, though. It does not need to maintain a single, uninterrupted chain (denomination) that everyone agrees with and is a member of.

It only needs to maintain consensus around one fundamental truth that all Christian denominations agree with and can therefore continue to call each other "brother" despite other differences of lesser importance that prevent them from maintaining organizational unity.

Namely the gospel of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to all those who have faith in him as the Son of God and in his atoning work on the cross for forgiveness of sin.

That's the only consensus I need to consider someone my brother in the faith, even if our other theological differences would prevent us from realistically worshipping together until Christ's return, when he will correct all of our errors and misinterpretations of his Word. 
 All good points, but I stand by my opinion. There is strength in uniformity. We can all have different hobbies when we go home after church, but I think Christianity would be more successful if there was more uniformity in the message and in the way we worship God 
 Resolve the differences about whether we should ask Mary or various saints to pray for us, about which both sides have adamant convictions. Resolve the differences about whether only professing believers should be baptized or also their children. Resolve the differences about whether Scripture alone is the standard of truth, or also tradition. Add to that the vast number of other theological convictions that prevent organizational unity.

And make sure your resolution is not coming from a centralized human authority structure. Would you take away the right of these Christians to hold a wide variety of convictions, all based on their belief that their view is what God commands of them? Only Christ has that right to set things straight when he returns, not any organizational structure made by man, which can and has often been corrupted.

Until then, freedom of conscience and denominationalism is the way forward. 
 yes, i always find her stuff worth looking at, though i don't read the long form articles that often 
 Deniminations are more akin to Bitcoin developers. The actual faith is akin to Bitcoin. The problems with the mediaeval Catholic church and state capture show the risk of having only one group developing Bitcoin. Having diverse development teams maintains decentralisation and avoids bad incentive structures