Oddbean new post about | logout
 @c6d0060b That looks very nice! I love when it's by the username

Are we able to customize the color of the check via CSS? (for those of us in BirdUI using a custom color?)

And are there any conflicts with users with emoji in their usernames by chance? 
 @05ab8396 Thanks.

Yes, but you'd have to rewrite the full variable, like this:

  --icon-verified: url('data:image/svg+xml, %3Csvg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 22 22" width="22" height="22" %3E%3Cpath fill="%231a3ff9" d="M20.396 11c-.018-.646-.215-1.275-.57-1.816-.354-.54-.852-.972-1.438-1.246.223-.607.27-1.264.14-1.897-.131-.634-.437-1.218-.882-1.687-.47-.445-1.053-.75-1.687-.882-.633-.13-1.29-.083-1.897.14-.273-.587-.704-1.086-1.245-1.44S11.647 1.62 11 1.604c-.646.017-1.273.213-1.813.568s-.969.854-1.24 1.44c-.608-.223-1.267-.272-1.902-.14-.635.13-1.22.436-1.69.882-.445.47-.749 1.055-.878 1.688-.13.633-.08 1.29.144 1.896-.587.274-1.087.705-1.443 1.245-.356.54-.555 1.17-.574 1.817.02.647.218 1.276.574 1.817.356.54.856.972 1.443 1.245-.224.606-.274 1.263-.144 1.896.13.634.433 1.218.877 1.688.47.443 1.054.747 1.687.878.633.132 1.29.084 1.897-.136.274.586.705 1.084 1.246 1.439.54.354 1.17.551 1.816.569.647-.016 1.276-.213 1.817-.567s.972-.854 1.245-1.44c.604.239 1.266.296 1.903.164.636-.132 1.22-.447 1.68-.907.46-.46.776-1.044.908-1.681s.075-1.299-.165-1.903c.586-.274 1.084-.705 1.439-1.246.354-.54.551-1.17.569-1.816zM9.662 14.85l-3.429-3.428 1.293-1.302 2.072 2.072 4.4-4.794 1.347 1.246z"%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E');

No conflicts with any emojis as they are part of the username.

A mockup (you should probably make the icon a bit bigger as you use bigger fonts):

 @c6d0060b Thank you for showing me this!.

That's awesome, I look forward to when it releases!

Yeah, I ended up keeping larger text on this instance simply because when in a VR headset, it makes everything much easier to render properly and read on those displays/lenses 😅 

Thank you for all you do!

Is there a donation/patreon link I could support by chance? 😁 

GitHub Sponsor: https://github.com/sponsors/ronilaukkarinen

Buy me acoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Fd140aV

Thank you so much. :bunhdheart: