@TheLOTSProject has multiple vendors for comfrey. I have wild blackberry cuttings, redbud seed, goldenrod seed, Illinois bundleflower seed and other. You’ve sparked my seed to inventory.
Might be interested in some bundle flower, but the rest grows wild on my property. Are the blackberries thorny?
Let me know. We can do an exchange with something you may have.
Oh yes, very thorny. Like demon claws. But they make the most delicious plump berries.
Those ones grow here too, I managed to use the pigs to thin out a patch so I can actually fucking pick them now.
I mostly only have luffa and canned goods these days, don't know if that's legal to sell over state lines lol.
Yeah dude, if unmanaged they go crazy. I use them as a deer deterrent around my orchard.
I’d be interested in luffa. Always wanted to try growing it.
Maybe I will spam nostr with my goods tomorrow since we're basically snowed in