I don't think its all or nothing. Both privacy and Bitcoin are important. A decent level of privacy for the common pleb can be achieved by using tools in conjunction with bitcoin and internet protection protocols which users should be using anyway (vpn, linux, floss, etc). Whether someone is into Bitcoin or not, they should not be touching the internet while open to MASS surveillance. For more specific individuals, Monero is great for an out of the box, unique situational needs. Personally I can see myself using it as a hot wallet, but not as as savings account/401k/RRSP... When people follow the philosophies expressed on your platform in conjuction with a few others possibly, they are virtually untouchable. Unfortunately, 99% of Bitcoiners do not practice good digital hygiene which is an understatement. Thank you for doing what you do. I only discovered your platform today. It is probably the first resource ive discovered in nearly a decade that stood out because I did not see any misinformation which is very rare on the internet. V4V PV!