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Happy to be finally running #openwrt but not happy at lack of options for parental controls. I want a way to create profiles (1 profile might have many devics), create rules for those profiles, have an easy ON/OFF toggle for them (that overrides scheduled pauses, e.g.), has profile-based whitelists and blacklists, etc. With an efficient UI. I can do some of that via the command-line, but that's just not convenient for quick toggles, etc.

Per @Ava 's suggestion I've been looking into OPNSense a bit, but not really seeing these kinds of options there either. 

Eero+ was great for this stuff, but not worth handing over our privacy, contributing to the algos, feeding the AI data monster, and standing on the X for psychodata "nudging" for it.

Any thoughts? 
 Create two WiFi networks. Put kids on one. Turn it on a timer (luci app wifischedule will do this). Also set up DNS to use a filtering service (cloudflares is and You could also do something with custom DNS (like pihole).  If your kids are tech savvy, you may want to require a proxy. 
 make a better thing 
 no time or skill for that 
 then keep searching i guess