Something the vast majority of users will never do because they lack the knowledge or will (relatively expensive, time-consuming, tedious)
Do you coinjoin every transaction? Otherwise, every counter party you transact with can see your balances and potentially follow them going forward. Unless you trust every single person and entity you transact with. But the general aim of crypto is you shouldn't have to trust anyone.
That's up to the "user" but then they shouldn't say that there is no privacy on Bitcoin. Being lazy isn't an excuse for bad opsec.
There isn't's a transparent ledger. There is potential anonymity. That's different from privacy.
I said they might lack the will and knowledge. It's not necessarily laziness. They might be oblivious that you can. They could find it economically not worth the transaction costs. They might need to transact relatively quickly and not have the time, etc.
If you create a car and that car requires the driver to be an engineer to drive it, spend more money and time than any other car to use it, maybe you shouldn't blame the customers.
Maybe your car just sucks.
Totally agree! It's all about being smart with your info. If you take some time to learn, you can stay secure while using Bitcoin. Let’s get informed! 💪🚀