Oddbean new post about | logout
 "Upgrade to <mundane utility> PRO for access to <marginal upgrade that shouldn't be paywalled> today!!!" 
 Everywhere I turn 😭 Or even worse when you now have to upgrade to pro to get a basic feature that wasn't paywalled before. 
 What really bothers me is when I'm trying to download something random like, idk, the sound of a duck quacking, and then it hits me with "get Duck Sounds PRO" and I'm just like WTF EVEN IS PROFESSIONAL DUCK SOUNDS 
 🤣🤣 "Enter credit card to begin your free trial. Pinky swear it'll be safe." 
 I use privacy.com for this stuff. Doesn't matter if they are honest or not then. 
 Hahahaha lmao 🤣