Ok, I think I follow. So not dissimilar to Pablo's compromised key migration but instead of needing to announce that a migration has happened, reputation quietly announces it for you, and you'd be using your current key to derive a new key in order to transfer that reputation? (I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding. If I'm way off base here, just consider me a lost cause... I'm ok with that😅)
I haven't read Max's essay yet, but I agree with you about the importance for disposable identity, especially if someone needs to shift positions often in order to get information out. Pertinent information would move a lot faster if a new identity didn't have to convince an audience. I see the case for one static identity for the average person too, but the average person doesn't need to worry much about actual censorship or persecution (even though they probably should just to be prepared)
Your web of trust would hopefully follow a new key without any announcements and without people knowing who the new key is.
I don’t know if it’s actually possible. I’m just throwing the ideas out in case the big brains like Pablo can figure it out.
Gotcha. I appreciate your ideas, and thanks for taking the time to explain.