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 Elon Musk is a Nazi. Pass it on.
Great piece from @3a08febd 
 @86339b4c @3a08febd 

How were the Gilded Age anti-democracy forces defeated before?

Massive economic crashes like 1929?
World Wars?

No, heavy taxation on excess wealth.

Estate taxes of 90% to thwart inherited wealth where bequests are funding sedition via entities like the Claremont Institute and Bradley Foundation. 
 @86339b4c @3a08febd the son of South African mine owners turns out to be a fascist. Shocking. Terribly unexpected, what a surprise! (But seriously, WTF is happening? I 'spose he could have been fascist all along, just hiding his level of belief...) 
 @86339b4c @3a08febd How is this man and his social network, car company, space rocket company, and satellite internet company still considered socially acceptable? How is it that these enterprises aren’t being nationalised as we speak? How have we built a system that franchises a handful of billionaire psychopaths at the expense of everyone else? 
 @86339b4c @3a08febd 

Xitler and his turd reich 
 @86339b4c @3a08febd 

Remember when calling someone a Nazi, comparing them to Hitler, etc. would get people invoking Godwin's Law? Maybe if we had fewer people shying away from using the Nazi label to shame people for fascist activities, fascists would feel less safe to spew their bile? 
 @86339b4c @3a08febd 
🤷🏻‍♀️ Elon Musk is a dictator who seeks world domination. 

His goal is to destroy democracy and create as much chaos as possible. 

That's also why he wanted Twitter

The US government should not allow a single man to have so much power, they should immediately confiscate his Starlink satellite system 

#DangerousMusk #DictatorMusk #BoycottTesla #BoycottTwitter #USA #US #DictatorElonMusk #BoycottMusk 
 @86339b4c @3a08febd “crosses the border” makes it sound like he wasn’t always a nazi. He’s just become more vocal about it but he always was. #elonmusk #elonmuskisanazi 
 @86339b4c @3a08febd 

Twitrter refugee here👋🏻 As soon as I heard he bought Twitter, I closed my account. I had a lot of online friends that I lost touch with. 
 @86339b4c @3a08febd

he's a moron