well, it's not gonna be precisely straight forward. not possible to directly log in to an ssh, using ssh, and giving it a password, because no can do jack.
so instead, what it's gonna be is a thing that grabs the go compiler, unzips it, then uses it to build and run a little program that asks for your root password, and automates everything using Go code, including making you a new SSH key so later you can even ssh to your vps and break it.
did some research and eventually came to the conclusion the best thing for me to do is embed the installer in the thing itself as a subcommand, then it can copy itself off to the vps for you automatically and push all the necessary files and trigger the service startup.
will just be another day's work probably. might as well, since it got noticed, make it really easy.
only cost me ~$4 to get a domain and a month's hosting so this is a cool thing for people to get their toes wet in the sea of milk, i mean, Go programming.
damn, i read the vishnu purana and it just started getting exciting with Indra and pals running off to Vishnu to stop the pandemic he released with a garland covered in hornets... and they are making an immortality elixir with herbs and spices and a sea of milk.
those crazy hindus...