You know as a bitcoiner how you can be talking to a normie about money, the economy, the Federal Reserve, inflation, the debt spiral, fractional reserve banking, etc and you realize pretty quickly that the person only has a rudimentary idea about any of these things, but will respond with something like, “But bitcoin has no real value,” and then quickly realize everything they say is some headline they have taken from msm?
I feel the exact same way when talking about politics to my liberal friends.
Yep that's why I keep it short and brief before they start the rambling machine.
This is why I’m chatting with strangers on NOSTR too much.
I've been teaching a homeschool co-op group a weekly class on economics. It has really improved my faith in humanity and our future.
We talk about free markets, gov't policy, money, debt... We read from Sowell, Bastiat, Locke, Adam Smith,...
You might as well be talking to a tv screen sometimes.
one person said to me something like - but historically we live now better than ever, what's wrong with you guys?
Oh yeah I get that kind of response when talking about the national debt or inflation all the time. “What are you complaining for? Seems like you did fine for yourself.” Or my favorite, “My stock portfolio says otherwise.” 🙄
Not everyone can be as based as you Susie…
Why you slumming here? Bored?