Today's meat - 3 chuck roasts and a london broil for ~ $78, a little less than 14 lbs of beef. actual average price per pound, $5.69. This is roughly a week's worth of meat, now all sliced up into steaks and mostly in my freezer. How many of you are eating on $80/wk? Also bought 4 lbs of bacon ends & pieces for $10, but those are mostly for my wife. I've been eating a lot of butter lately. I snack on it, just little slivers - cut a pat off, then cut it into 4-5 pieces. But I've been eating 1-2 4oz blocks per day. That's probably too much. The binge didn't quite end with shopping - got a couple donuts and a 40oz bottle of cold brew coffee (unsweetened) to finish it off. The psychology swimming around my head today, though! Went dark a couple times. This addiction shit sucks. Managed to work my way out of it, literally - lots of little household/mechanical chores and fixes (mostly work out in the garage). That's always been my go-to - start tinkering around with tools on projects, mainly for other people's benefit, and let the thoughts run themselves through. Not ignoring them, accepting them, and giving myself a way to move on.