What badge would you like? 👀
Woaaahhh, zbd actually saw this? thank you. But wait, zbd actually give out badges? 🫣 sorry if I sounded way too casual 😅
Eventually everyone will be able to send badges to each other and earn them for different things, but we’re just testing right now. I can make you one though 💜💜 all you have to do it ask.
If I can ask for anything, something like that 😅it's is a drawing made by my student, which is read as Best Friend" but like thank you sm tho https://cdn.zbd.gg/ugc-uploads/6b071aee-1704505392723.jpeg
I got you. Look out for it early next week.
Yeeepppiieee, thank you ZBD 🙂
A wolf head for being here since the Alpha list?
I’ll do this for you on Monday. We have to let Saul rest on the weekend :)
Thanks so much!!! https://media2.giphy.com/media/l396FvhXOqm20Pogo/200w.gif?cid=586b07f0nnvnu023jvcw6arw0lohcbl1qgfu5igy4nt8aagh&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g
Sent :)