Oops I left out one of my really bad beliefs... I don't believe that we are saved by Grace *alone*. The "sinners prayer" does lots of damage when not followed up properly. To the point where it's probably more dangerous than worthwhile. Though to he fair many protestants will try to unite 'new converts' to a church. I don't believe in the woo woo end-times prophetic stuff that some obsess over. I believe the Israelites were called to giagantomachi but also that it probably concluded with David. The latter part would also make me a bad orthodox too, I guess. I'm a pacifist, but Christians of all pursuasions bar some extremes seem to call for war... I think I just figured out why people go to confession 🤣🤣 I've never really listed all my "bad" theologies before. That was oddly cathartic. Thanks for reading. 🤣