I agree with your meme. I have never expected to be "protected". I have always felt that my future is my responsibility and no one else.
But life isn’t white and black. It isn’t just me anymore, I have a family and small children now. I have to think about them too.
In reality, being a sobering individual where I live today, is not as easy as I thought.
If I don’t pay taxes or follow the law I go to jail and that does nothing to change the world or help my children who will ended up in the system I dislike so much.
I am old enough to know heroes have to be smarter than braver. I will fight socialism/comunism until the day I die but I do not wish to suffer it again.
You can't fight communism and tyranny from the comfort of a sofa and a nice life.
You will never fight it like that because you will never understand what really is FREEDOM.
I understand what is Freedom or at least the Freedom I want. I just want to live in a place where free market is encouraged and people are left alone to live their lives. No social programs or “government help”.
I didn’t left Cuba looking for confort. I left looking for freedom. I think as a sovereign individual and don’t let comfort get in the way of obtaining my goals.
I am not worried about Bitcoin adoption because I believe is inevitable. But I have been wondering lately where to move next because I want my children to grow in a more free environment.
Look into Europe. Not all of it but imo some European countries have preserved individual freedoms. In the end, there is no solutions, only trade offs.