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 Yea no valid reason exists to ever get an abortion 
 Rape, incest, crippled babies that endanger the mother. 
There are valid reasons for abortion but it should not be normalized like popping a mintdrop 
 Thank you.

I don’t agree in normalizing any of it. But my wife had to have one because of health reasons.

Then I get guys like this calling me “dumbass” bc my opinion differs. 
 In the case of rape, what did that kid do? He’s just as innocent as the woman. Why murder the baby? 
 Grabbing at any straw you can huh?

Just admit instances it makes sense. I don’t think it’s right to have abortion for no reason other than not wanting the child, but don’t be so naive/thick headed to be unaware of circumstances that warrant them. 
 Definitely not incest or rape, but saving a woman’s life is fine

- a catholic 
 Raping boys and hiding it for centuries is totally holy.

-a former catholic 🖕 
 Just chiming in here, as a Catholic. The Pedos in the Vatican can go fuck themselves.

As a Catholic, we hate Pedos. 
 Also as a catholic it’s so deeply embedded in the church so many centuries back that it is truly pathetic people want to be catholic. I have faith but am not religious at all. The religion showed its true colors to me long time ago 🤷‍♂️✌️🤝 
 I've only ever been in my Catholic church in my small town. I haven't been molested, nor have I heard of anyone there being so.

We're very open about who we don't like, we speak up (speaking of those in my church). 
 That’s very nice for your small town. I’m referring to the bigger picture and problems that exist outside of it.

I wasn’t the idiot who posted the meme, I commented on it bc it was stupid and short sided.

I have faith but don’t follow any religion. I don’t knock anyone who does.

But when someone posts a meme that is correlated to something in my life I feel I have a right to reply. 🤷‍♂️✌️ 
 No doubt about right of reply 
 The kid is an innocent byproduct of the rape. It is neither victim nor criminal, that doesn't mean you get to decide it dies. 
 I see the Child as a victim, and especially the mother. She doesn't want to carry out the child of her rapist. 
The child will be born without a father present, making it a victim and also heavy influenced by growing up with a traunatized mother, which might not even have the funds to support the child. 

Those are rare exceptions and not the norm, I do care about the Child  
 You sir are unintelligent. Good luck in life.

Proud catholic boy right here lol 😂 
 I’m doing just fine 
 Says the boy making memes about body parts he doesn’t have lol 😂