Awards in an art exhibition, does it make an artist a true artist?
The article in an art magazine, does that make an artist a true artist?
The number of followers on social networks, does that make an artist a true artist?
Only its authenticity and interpretation of reality, make an artist a true artist.
Everything else is smoke and mirrors.
Sorry sir real artists have 9 pointless awards from people that know less then the artists
An artist I know refused to display at the National Gallery in London after being invited. He took a look round and didn't see art, just work of drawers and painters playing to the art establishment
I would like to know who this artist is, without seeing his works I already like him.
Art is a very personal concept. Everything can be art, as long as you assign it a personal or social meaning.
I'll refrain from judging "modern art" as art, more like money laundering 🫣🤌