Oddbean new post about | logout
 42% of Americans are obese. 
 How many Americans do you think are sober, no psych meds and physically fit? Had to be shockingly small. 
 Yeah maybe 1-2 % of the population. Completely crazy to think about how truly dysfunctional the average US citizen is in 2024. 
 What if I'm two out of three 😁 
 then you're doing better than most! 
 Who cares. Look at your own household & family first. Something you can affect. Fix that & then worry about fat, drunk, retarded people on the beach. 
 My family is thriving G, that’s why I’m looking at the outside world. 
 I’m taking generally. Glad all is well.  Keep it that way. Let others either follow your lead (small group you can impact) or let others die the way they choose.   
Be happy they exist. If everyone were like me you’d be completely fucked by comparison. 
Plant a tree. 
 Speaking for myself, having children makes me even more invested in attempting to shift society. Change at scale is possible. You just have to chip away at it slowly over time. 
 Latest figures out say 19 
 🙋🏻‍♀️that's me. A big ol' biggy!  
 Do you try to be a normal weight or do you not care? 
 Pretty sure it’s higher than that