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Ivan | 1 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +85 -1
 This is funny as hell. Nice work. 
 Lool this is funny 
 New levels of torture 😬 
 haha yes 
 🤪 but 😖 
 You prefer a senile old, racist man? 
 Racist? 🤦 
 Referring to countries like El Salvador and Haiti as, I quote, “shitholes”. In July 2019 he tweeted about 3 American-born congresswomen of color, I quote: ”Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done."  Falsely claiming that Obama was not born in the US. Not getting over the Central Park jogger case, although the Afro-American males are indeed innocent. I quote “Mexican are rapists, they are bringing crime […]”. Charlottesville: He said there were "fine people on both sides" of the rally — both the counterprotesters and those members of the alt-right who did Nazi salutes and chants.

What do you need more? 
 I can see what kool aid you are drinking by citing a completely debunked story of Charolotttesville. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/
I refer to Europe as a shithole, I guess as a white man I must be racist too.

I completely disagree and do not believe Trump thinks he is better than others because he is white. It's hilarious that every liberal thought so highly of the man and associated with him, then he ran for president, now he is Hitler and a racist. He is neither, but also doesn't make him the greatest choice for president either, just better than the laughing buffoon the Democrats decided to run. Its also sad they didn't let Democracy happen and let the Democrats vote on who they wanted they just shoved her down everyone's throats instead. Sad. 
 I reread what I wrote if it came off aggressive my bad. Politics kind of sucks. End of the day my family escaped from Europe only to see us slowly becoming it. I tend to side with anyone fighting that slide and sadly we got two shitty candidates. One who is probably a great con man but markets an anti socialism message.  This time around even getting some better people around him like RFK Jr. I got a slight hope this time around he will get more positive stuff done compared to his last presidency. Slight hope lol. One being releasing Ross from prison on day 1 
 I’m going to agree with Ivan on this one and give a little context. Trump is innocent on this one. I’ve never been to Haiti, but the Haitians I know that live in the Dominican Republic say the same thing. Some are all Haitian some are both. They all want to live outside of Haiti. They might not say it is a shithole, but I see none of us have planned a vacation there. 
As far as going back to where you came from and fix it up. That is solid advice for anyone. Right? It has to be hard work. Work that people generally don’t volunteer for. 
Have you seen Candace Owens podcast in the last week or two? She shows where Obama was not born in the United States, born in Kenya, was raised as Barry Soetoro son of Lola Soetoro (step dad) in Indonesia. Had a he that identified as a she as a babysitter or house maid. 
He also used to hang out and fund many many many rappers. They used to always say his name is a good light in their songs. Appeared on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air show. Wrote books with Robert Kiyosaki. There are pictures of him with Don King, Mike Tyson….. my point is that none of us know him personally. I bet he is a lot different than we know. 
KC | 1 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 Born in Kenya, born in Indonesia… I don’t know the facts. Just not born in Hawaii is what I am trying to state. 
 And how did YOU verify this statement? 
 Your question implies that I care. I have no dog in this fight. President Bukele is my President. 

To answer your question I would have to think… how many times has my birth country been a question or topic? Never cause it doesn’t matter to anyone. Just like his birth doesn’t matter obviously. I don’t get caught in the weeds. I’m too tall for that. 
 So where’s your information that can be verified that he was indeed not born in Hawaii? Just prove your statements, it’s the only thing I am asking of you. 
 A real nightmare! 