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 Alright, folks. Published my #Nostr for Dummies article over on Medium (I didn’t actually title it that lol), so let me know what you think and add any comments that might be helpful to new Nostriches. 🤙

You can read it here: https://medium.com/@jmchasteen/the-nostr-protocol-social-media-3-0-2c23e290bcb3 
 We have Nostr clients for blogging too. Check out https://habla.news 
 Good work. You may want to shorten it a lot.... will be overwhelming for new users...maybe a simpler version that links to the long version 

 Yeah I already made a video that is the shorter version of this explanation, so this piece is actually responding to all the many many questions - that is why it’s long 😅 
 Excellent write up Jessica, will send to any prospective nostrites 💜✍️🫡👏 
 Thanks -- this is super-helpful and has some things I'd completely missed. 
 Hooray! I’m so glad it’s helpful. Mission accomplished 😇🫶 
 Bravo!  One thing that is really important to mention is that on Nostr, YOU are responsible for YOUR posts, and you are also responsible for what YOU see.  If you post something other people don't like, they won't follow you. If you don't like what someone else posts, don't follow them. If a post is flat out illegal, the authorities will go after the person responsible, NOT the platform, NOT the nodes.
Personal responsibility is making a comeback. And that can only work on an open protocol. No Big Brother.  Just people.
Oh, and NO ADS! 
 > If a post is flat out illegal, the authorities will go after the person responsible, NOT the platform, NOT the nodes.

Governments are sovereign.
They can go after whomever they wish, within the limits of their own laws which they can make and change to fit their needs.

Indeed, Nostr is censorship-resistant in a way that mainstream platforms are not, in the sense that it protects us from corporate censorship.
This is good, we shouldn't filter what we read and write through the erratic whims of a few billionaires dictated by their selfish economic interests.

But Nostr doesn't stop government censorship.
You are right when you say authorities can go after the poster.
But authorities absolutely can go after Nostr relays within their territories, too.

I hope it won't become a problem and, if it does, it can probably be solved similarly to how mainstream platforms solved it, but Nostr doesn't prevent governments from going after relays. 
 Valid points. 
 Nice job 👍 
 great stuff!

I'll throw in here another excellent article wrote by the good npub1cj8znuztfqkvq89pl8hceph0svvvqk0qay6nydgk9uyq7fhpfsgsqwrz4u


 Thanks for sharing! I’m long overdue for another one of these… will try to get one out in the next few weeks also also read it aloud on @Titcoin 🤙 
 Some comments.

> and my privacy settings (i.e. ‘hide notes tagged #NSFW’)

It should be noted that both tags and the "sensitive content" flag (NIP-36) are set arbitrarily by the poster.
There are no global "social" standards in the Nostr community and there never will be. If there were, there would be none to actually enforce them.
So do keep that in mind when trying to avoid certain kinds of content: you can get a decent heuristic at best.

> The variance in number of Followers

Look up NIP-02.
It's trivial to fetch what users an account follows, but when fetching the accounts a certain user is followed by, the client need to receive each one of them individually, and count them.
It's not dissimilar to fetching all replies to a post.

> In general, all clients use a very simple algorithm to populate your “home” feed

I don't think it's the case for all clients. Also, new strategies can be designed.
Any client can do what it wants and users can use whatever client they want.

> In this way, these clients can almost mimic current social app functionality like you might see on TikTok or Spotify or Medium, pulling only from Nostr data that meet certain note-type criteria.

It's worth noting that, while long-form notes are Nostr-native through NIP-23, music, videos and images are usually simply stored as links, typically to old-style centralized services.
There is still an advantage in sharing links trough a censorship-resistant system, but it's still worth noting.

> The other interesting thing about relay operators is that they are the only ones in the Nostr-verse that see all notes’ IP addresses. This was designed to help flag spammers and bots.

No, it wasn't.
This is simply how the Internet works.
When your device communicates to a relay, the relay necessarily knows your IP address because it couldn't send you a response otherwise.
It isn't a decision by Nostr authors that relays see your IP address, it's just how the network works when you connect to a server.

> If my TikTok account gets banned, I have no recourse to get that data back

This isn't false of centralized platforms, but, just as a side note.
If the platform you are using is GDPR-compliant, you will be able to get a copy of all data about you which they have, as long as you are a user. 
 Great work 🚀 
 meta phor 💯 
 I’m so glad it made sense 😅 I’m thinking about making that part into a little video 
 That was the best metaphor I have heard for nostr. It captures it the difference well, complete with the inescapable loop to the gift shop.  
 Well done! 
 Superb!👇 👀 🔮 🫂 💜 ☘️ 

 Followed back #plebchain 
 Thanks for you,  @garden_variety_jess, I just joined this "ecosystem". 😁  
 This is a really great explanation and will help all the new Nostriches! Well done! Thank you for your effort 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 
 This is great and should be on everyone's radar.

 Thank you! 
 Wish I had found you a week ago!. I learned the sign up process a more difficult way.  Thankfully, found Primal from jack post and worked like a charm 😄. Sure glad that you wrote this to benefit others coming in!  It will be a big help 👍🏻 ❤️ 
 Good stuff! Thank you for your service👍🏽😁 
 Nostr is God's answer to censorship. 
You the Lord's work.
Good job 
 I love that to into Twitter's origins. Most people don't realize this and always seem shocked when I tell them. Great job explaining Nostr. 🫂🤙🏻💜 
 GM PV 🤙 
 As you know, you're very good. People who are this good at something always know it. Thanks..👏👍💎💜🧡🦅🗽😊🌎 
 love this, and the tik tok video. You have a nice way of putting things into perspective. Many speak abt publicity, but you went ahead and did it, and that made all the difference. 

Btw 'The other stuff' is another interesting part of nostr where you can build anything on, devs like pablo, artur, jeff work in those areas, hope it adds more value to your content.  Thanks Jessica for what you do.  
 Someone who is new to all this might have the question what would happen if Elon simply buys Nostr ;-) 
 That was awesome! Love the aquarium and glass bottom boat analogy  
 Well done! 👍

You can also recommend using the Freerse app. 🫂💜 
 This was extremely helpful! You rock 🖤 
 I read it and saw your TT. Thank you for the info. 
 Found you, thanks! follow you on tiktok... Not tech savvy but still learning how to create a vehicle for creating content like audio and video similar to pod or tok. Thanks girl