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 To Normgroids and women 85% of men would fall in the excess category 
 Everything is completely inverted, the most productive members of society (i.e. White men) are now considered the "useless eaters" while the ones that are a net burden on the state are making the decisions. 
 Unless something has changed in the last couple years, in the US White men are far overrepresented in combat deaths which debunks the trope that niggers and Latinx carry the combat burden for the White man's wars. So sending US troops overseas to die in the Slavic Slaughterhouse will be a quick house cleaning for those uppity White men that refuse to become a military suicide statistic. 
 Don't forget old patriarchal conservative men as well. 
 >excess men get mulched
>gender ratio rebalances in favor of men
>simp culture completely disappears
Any woman calling for a disposal of surplus males doesn't understand what that would really lead to.