yea i think most users know that this is an attention economy and are trying their best to make easy money while also putting in the least amount of effort. platforms are giving out such low payrates so the follower count is usually not enough, people try to branch out with their 15mins of fame. making shitty products, starting podcasts without experience etc. chasing stardom without any interesting qualities. i had a few friends that would buy bot followers to inflate their followings just to build their egos. strange world we live in
Excellent point mentioning attention economy and easy money. It is possibly attracting people that are simply looking to get by and sharing whatever without any knowledge-based grounding. It steals from us the most precious commodity of all, time. Time that indeed could have being used to consume information but from reputable sources, those from real experts with experience and those from builders that are knee-deep in their respective fields.
Just by writting this I am questioning the value of the information I am getting based on the medium I am extracting it from.
Very well true. I hope we all become greater by realizing this