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 I am at a loss for words, I really could not have imagined the feelings I gained once reading your comments. @Duchess told me that #nostr became her go to place for information, friendships and inspiration. I also remember she told me “Trust me, Nostr feels like home, you will see.” Her words could not have been more true. Thank you guys for being so kind, writing such nice things, and taking the time to share so many bitcoin books, websites, videos and podcasts with me. 

Some of the books you guys have recommended are actually in the bundle of books Duchess gave me along with the Bitcoin White Paper and a few others that she brought over the next morning at breakfast, so they will for sure be my next step. Here are the ones she gave me and I can’t wait to read👇

 ⁃ The Bitcoin Standard & The Fiat Standard by @saifedean 
 ⁃ Broken Money by @LynAlden 
 ⁃ Everything Divided By 21 by @knutsvanholm 
 ⁃ The Price of Tomorrow by @Jeff Booth 
 ⁃ 21 Lessons by @Gigi 
 ⁃ The Blocksize War by Jonathan Bier 
 ⁃ The Bullish Case for Bitcoin by Vijay Boyapati
 ⁃ The Bitcoin White Paper (She printed it for me, but this is a good link someone shared https://bitcoin.org/en/bitcoin-paper) 

She said she had not read Fiat Food and Principles of Economics yet, but she gave them to me anyways. I see none of you recommend those, should I put them on the side to read later? 

Duchess compiled a list of all the books you guys recommend and I am adding your recommendations to my future list of books to read when I’m done with the ones I have 📚 https://image.nostr.build/433634de3a4ef4121960e3de9cdb87475ceccf2636e752667be7cb60e160efff.jpg https://image.nostr.build/42be9b0ad8d7312f29252974fca62c208b372dc43535d766a5afd00591d2afdc.jpg  
 If you wanna understand how Bitcoin technically works, I’d suggest reading Grokking Bitcoin and Bitcoin Clarity. 
 Oh yeah those are good ones! 
 That's a super solid list. 

I haven't read the others you mentioned, but, they are on my "eventually" list. 

And, duh! Duchess is pretty rad, super smart, and pretty darn good company, so... Yeah. Of course it's pretty cool here. Enjoy
 🥹🥹🥹🥹 @6d028aa4 I am over here melting! 👯‍♀️

I know you were texting me how good you felt on here and I’m happy to see you sharing this joy with everyone here 🫂💜 
 @Duchess is how we win 
 🥹🫂 thankfully you have helped build a place for us to win! 🏆 
 can we crown her the official ambassador of Nostr? 
 Enjoy the ride! 
 Principles of economics is good but it's a technical read. I suggest finish the bitcoin standard and then fiat standard first. 

 Yeah I was thinking how to put that whole list in the best order to red 😂 and then decided I’ll just do alphabetical because it’s easier 😂 
 Don't trust, verify:
Rule 29 states: In the internet all girls are men and all kids are undercover FBI agents.

Rule 30 states: There are no girls on the internet.
 lol. Not sure how it’s related. 
Don’t trust, verify for sure ✌️ 
 Yeah, people on nostr care ✌️ 
 🫂 it’s really the best place! 
 If you're looking for something a bit "lighter" to read in between all of those, pick up The Mandibles

It's a fiction that follows the lives of a super rich family just at the start of usd hyperinflation. A really good read and what's amazing is its NOT written by a bitcoiner. Yet if you read from a bitcoin lense, it's like a playbook and our current reality is maybe somewhere in the first third of the book 
 Oh I’ll also add this to my list 🫡 
 And if you're looking for something heavier, Gladstein's Structural Adjustment book about the IMF. 
 Very solid reading list. 

And welcome. It’s amazing to hear that you’ve had a great start here on Nostr! 
 Please give @BTCsessions a follow. I consider his tutorials to be the best in category, covering mainly bitcoin but also Nostr.  His YouTube channel has the same name. 
 Yes @6d028aa4 I agree @BTCsessions is very informative 👌 he is a good follow. 
 @BTCsessions  is absolutely great recommendation 👍 
 For me, the journey down the Bitcoin rabbit hole is one of the most beautiful and valuable journeys in life.
I hope it will be the same in your case.
Have fun. 
 A math's major and C++ dev! Holy shit. We will see you become a Bitcoin Core Dev.  
 My fingers are crossed, I don’t want to push her, but I really feel it could be fitting for her. I know being a Bitcoin Core Dev is quite changing, but she is really absorbing everything quite fast so it feels like a step in the right direction. 😍🤞🧡 
 Challenging * 
 My only caution would be this …

when I first got here. I was flying through everything almost too quickly, and I needed to slow down in order to concentrate and decide what was most important for my own sanity, family etc.

Your pace is the right pace, and don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise love you mean it 
 Great to have you with us 🫂

Take it easy though, you'll cause a brain overflow  
 My husband @Smash is reading Fiat Foods and enjoying it! 
 The fountainhead and atlas shrugged are also pretty good to have read.

I have not yet read “The sovereign individual” but it’s been recommended to me by multiple unrelated people, so I imagine it’s also pretty good.

All of these aren’t as directly related to bitcoin though 
 Considering your background “Mastering Bitcoin” could also be quite interesting for the low level technical details of how bitcoin works

 Yes I agree! This one is on her list 🫡 
 I’ve consumed so much Bitcoin content through books, articles, and podcasts that I can no longer continue reading them. My conviction in bitcoin can’t grow anymore through education. Now it’s time to live. I recommend you read books on how to improve your life (after you feel you aren’t learning anything new anymore from the bitcoin books).

Some of my book recommendations that have changed my life:

Deep Nutrition by Cate Shannahan. This is for fixing your health through food.

Body by science by Doug McGuff. This is for improving your physical health through exercise once a week.

How I found freedom in an unfree world by Harry Browne. This will help you develop your own moral compass and value system. Most of our values are adopted from society and enslave us.

Dopamine nation by Anna Lembke. This one is about how vulnerable our brain chemistry is to modern society and how that impacts our happiness.

Education free and compulsory by Murray Rothbard. This is about how the school system came to be and what its true purpose is for. 
 Oh this is a really good list! I’m gonna add these 😍📚 
 #WomenLead the world. 🌎 Happy to celebrate anyone winning but my lady friends are always special 🫡🙏😭🫂💯 
 I'v remembered, check out this channel https://www.youtube.com/@aantonop , Andreas is a high-class Bitcoin specialist. 
 @jack trying to get your attention by reposting your posts so he can use you for your vagina. Please DM him so he can spare us his cowardly ways of trying to pursue a girl. 😂 
 Principles of Economics by @saife is very good. As you hang out in #Bitcoin many people will offhandedly mention Austrian Economics and how it applies to so much. I was frustrated because I didn’t see anyone explain it and I was intimidated to read Menger, Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, etc. Principles is a fantastic textbook on Austrian economics. Just another very well written easy to understand volume. 
 You have a great friend! 
 Sounds like you’re on the path and in good hands. Welcome 🫂🧡 
@jack  is this visola person your Taylor rook of the month? 
 can haz cheeseburger? 
 Black Angus is the best. 
 Read principles of economics first 
 just sell those book, and buy bitcoin... 🤣  
 Everyone said the same nice things about Mastodon and the Fediverse, and look how that censorship tranny shithole turned out. 
 Yo! I can recommend The 7th Property from Eric Yakes. 
 I feel like this account is an elaborate catfish 🐱 🐟 😅 
But my suspicions aside, if you are a real person, or at least anybody reading this is a real person, then yes, that is a helluva list if you're up for a deep dive into money and #Bitcoin. My personal favorites from your shortlist have to be Broken Money and The Price of Tomorrow. I have not read The Principles of Economics yet, but heard great things and that it's a good segway to Saif's other books, so I'm sure that ones's also a safe bet.

The Sovereign Individual is also a great one for a macro overview of the sociopolitical shift. Especially impressive considering it was published in 1997.  
 I know her in real life, so I can say she is 100% not “an elaborate catfish”.

Regarding ‘The Sovereign Individual’, I was astounded by the fact that it was authored back in 1997. 🤯 
 I’m trying to imagine what an elaborate catfish would look like while eating this for lunch 😂 https://image.nostr.build/f47a914dc79a53240aa3f9f241343315e8765b2e9fe3cc360b97ef621e579304.jpg  
 😂🙌 but wow that looks sooooo good 🤤 

Is it red snapper or a redtail catfish? 
 According to the menu, it is grilled fish. Beyond that everything is a guess 🤣 
 That is some list! 
 Here is the list if you want it: 

- Anatomy of the State by Murray Rothbard
- Are We Rome? by Lawrence W. Reed
- Bitcoin Billionaires by Ben Mezrich
- Bitcoin & Black America by Isaiah Jackson
- Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
- Bitcoin: Hard Money You Can’t Fuck With by Jason A. Williams
- Bitcoin: Independence Reimagined by Knut Svanholm
- Bitcoin: Sovereignty Through Mathematics
Book by Kalle Rosenbaum and Knut Svanholm
- Capitalism and Freedom, by Milton Friedman
- Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt
- Gradually Then Suddenly by Parker A. Lewis
- Great Myths of the Great Depression by Lawrence W. Reed
- I, Pencil — My Family Tree As Told to Leonard E. Read
- Inventing Bitcoin by Yan Pritzker
- Layered Money by Nik Bhatia
- Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas M. Antonopoulos
- Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity by Charles L. Marohn Jr. 
- The 7th Property by Eric Yakes
- The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb 
- The Book of Satoshi: The Collected Writings of Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto by Phil Champagne
- The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
- The Internet of Money 1 & 2 by Andreas M. Antonopoulos
- The Law by Frederic Bastiat
- The Lords of Creation: The History of America's 1 Percent by Frederick Lewis Allen
- Roadmap to Liberty: The Liberty-Approach to Every Economic, Political & Social Topic by Vincent Lucas
- The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich A. Hayek
- The Sovereign Individual by James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg
- The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything by Michael Casey and Paul Vigna
- This Book Will Save You Time by Misir Mahmudov
- Web of Debt by Ellen Brown
- What Has Government Done to Our Money? By Murray N. Rothbard

 Much appreciated! 
 Ihaven’t read Fiat food yet, but looking forward to soon. 
Principles of Economics is more of a textbook than a book. The best way to read it is to follow along the course on Saifedean’s Youtube channel or Saifedean.com 
 So some slut selling sex as a “model” poses looking like a whore with books about Bitcoin and @jack and all the bros on here follow the whore. 


Clearly Bitcoin does NOT fix pathetic men chasing after brainless sluts 
 We are the meme. https://i.nostr.build/roO7j.jpg 
 Finally ready to run my own node 😂 
 His head cut off some words...I was into it. Now I'm thinking 
 This is great! And here's a short video if you want to share with people who aren't on nostr yet: https://m.primal.net/HnUB.mp4 
 Amazing 💜

Here are some for Nostr in particular 👇