Oddbean new post about | logout
 we're playing around with BOLT 12 and LDK: https://github.com/LN-Zap/bolt12-playground

able to pay BOLT 12 invoices from Strike. receiving not there just yet but exciting nonetheless

shoutout  @moneyball, thanks for your help supporting us and the industry on this! 
 Keep building brother. We appreciate you. 
 More and more companies testing out bolt12 sending. Need one good receiving wallet/service to kick off adoption. Been a bit of a chicken and egg problem but pretty close. 

 I’m receiving BOLT12 payments already from @OCEAN . Wen mutiny? 
 LFG! A requirement for Lightning to Strike the world 💪 
 yes, lfggg 🧡 
 Is being able to pay bolt12 invoices already enabled for all users? 
 Atta boy
Atta boy
*hair ruffle
 Hurry! Coinbase will add this feature in10  years! 
 Strike is the best custodial lightning wallet in the game. 

Aggregating zaps/gift card rewards/mining revenue/gaming rewards etc. into strike and sending out via lightning to self hosted mutiny is a cool sats flow.  
 Pay no mind to the middle finger. I dig the first amendment😎😁
 How about LNURL-pay? 
 dude!  fantastic. 
 exciting to see more Bolt12 stuff everyday! 