just to be completely honest. it isn't clear why such statement makes him a "scammer". he made a statement where gold could be tokenized onto a blockchain, which could be done. tether already does it ( XAUT ). and if you were to put it on some fast blockchain, like L2s on ethereum or in the cosmos ecosystem like on osmosis, it would of course be better in sense that it'd be faster and cheaper than currently transacting on bitcoin base-layer. sure it wouldn't be as secure and decentralised as bitcoin is now on basechain, but that's not the topic of an argument. please don't fall down to being dogmatic and taking everything from someone you don't like and labeling it as scam and waiting for others from your 'tribe' to clap you. its not productive. explain why he's wrong. not just purely say he's idiot.
Sir go see a doctor because I think you have brain damage
sir, you seem to have done the very thing i was criticising -> being dogmatic and not providing any argument, just merely being vulgar. do you have ANY ACTUAL ARGUMENT or are you just an NPC repeating stuff you have no factual conviction of?
The main point of the argument against this is final settlement. When a bitcoin transaction settles, you have control of the actual bitcoin UTXO. If your “gold on a blockchain” transaction settles, do you have the gold? https://m.primal.net/Hyvb.jpg