"Twinkle, twinkle, poison ivy,...."
Sadly, this is the point where I realize that nothing rhymes with ivy. Start again:
"Twinkle, twinkle, Toxicodendron,
You are nicer than Tippi Hedron..."
No, still won't do.
"Twinkle, twinkle, 3 leaved plant...
Looky there, I see an ant!
And a butterfly and bee!
Holy moly! There's a tree!
Well, that could go on for a while, but it doesn't really get us anyplace.
I think we'll just have to look at the leaves, and leave it at that.
@fb2b7c61 By your leave, I be-leave I shall. 😁🤩
@fb2b7c61 @b99e1048 thank you for giving me joy and and laughs in the early morning to start the day with good vibes :-)
I hope the rest of your day is going well!