I played call of duty a lot as a kid and players could talk shit in the lobby before the game started. I remember my friend making fun of some guy on the other team because his tag was totallytaco. He said his name was not cool. I still haven’t told my friend that I thought it was a cool name 😔
You should tell him #confessions
I can’t do it man what if he says I’m not cool https://image.nostr.build/8d8580de73385461bc3d55bdaa58e2a94b3f989b608bb950a92786f558f4d0a4.gif
Maybe he’ll think you’re cool anyways. He’s your friend 🫶🫶🫶
You’re right I can do this! https://media.tenor.com/VbtWyJJENDMAAAAC/ready-im-ready.gif
That’s the spirit! https://media1.tenor.com/m/YK3Hpkx6xiMAAAAC/happy-go-spongebob.gif
We think you're cool
I had a lot fun times in those lobbies as well
That is a good name, I would use that