Oddbean new post about | logout
 Last time I tried to use Zeus (since closed all channels because of this) I tried to make a purchase of around 70k sats. Had about 120k at the time and somehow didnt have enough to cover routing fees. So 50k wasnt enough. Closed both channels and somehow ended up with more than before closing them, and cost me a few hundred sats to move it to another wallet.  
 Where did you move them to? 
 one of the on-chain wallets I use. Zeus has a built-in onchain so it goes there first (and was getting the same 'not enough funds' nonsense when I tried the purchase on-chain), then sent it to my other. All in all, closing two channels, moving them to another, then making the purchase on-chain cost less in fees than Zues was trying to rob me for by using lightning 
 Hey Joel,

Rates definitely shouldn’t be that high. It sounds like your wallet had some corrupted lightning graph data.

We hope you try the app again at some point. Happy to help if you hit similar issues in the future.