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 Cashew isn’t a seed, its closer to a nut.  Technically Its a drupe which is a type of fruit.

Plants have developed clever ways to disseminate their “offspring” and fruits nuts and seeds are vastly different in this regard.   
Oily Fruits like olives & avocados are tasty to get animals to help disperse them.  Nuts are technically fruits so same kinda method. 
Seeds on the other hand are VERY different.  They use toxins to discourage animals from foraging them.  Some Birds have adapted but mammals generally haven’t. 
Manufacturers then use detergents to neutralize and remove the bad tasting toxins (bitter) and they also boil the seeds to reduce the oil out further damaging the oil. Cold pressed flax is good for example but it’s expensive to produce in large quantities so larger companies that need a cheap filler buy things like canola oil instead because its cheap and people don don’t immediately get sick from it.  Its a double whammy though. Firstly its rancid already from heating it AND its got many toxins that cause inflammation. 

No oil is good for you after its been heated past its smoke point but the delicate fats (omega-9) in seeds are damaged from any heat. 

As a general rule cook with omega 3 and as the temperature goes down, use omega 6 and avoid eating a lot of omega 9. 

Heres an example: Smaller quantities of sunflower are okay because they’re loaded with other nutrients and minerals that are hard to get in our diet but don’t heat them, -just eat raw. If the seed came from a fruit like a pumpkin or sesame fruit you’re good to eat more of them just remember that heating them fucks the oil up.

Its not food.
Prior to 1991 it was primarily used an industrial lubricant & biodiesel. 
(They renamed it Canola (from Rapeseed) lobbied the FDA (bribed) and started feeding it to  people to save money. 


 I’ve stopped eating seed oils and I’m feeling better and lost 10 lbs. 
 Cashews are really kernels, they are closer to tubers in the way that the thing you eat is a reservoir of carbon rich material, and attached to it is small organs that can feed on the kernel or starchy mass

Seeds are the same but much higher density of the ... Well, it's basically an embryo of callus, the undifferentiated tissue that can specialize according to conditions (gravity, light, moisture), seeds are much more this general tissue and less the actual nutrients.

So they are mostly immune system, essentially.

The seed strategy is vires in numeris, the tuber and fruit (and nut) have the "eggs in one basket and watch it carefully" strategy.

It is a lot like distributed systems architectures too... Bitcoin has many replicas, and avoids easy gaming of leadership selection (the function of the embryo) in a like way as the seed with it's limited time window to start a new plant.

Seeds are decentralized, kernels and nuts and tubers are like raft and Cassandra and dynamo... 
 tltr, sorry 🤷‍♂️ 
Eat as much seed oil as you can. 
It’s yummy. 
 great advice 
 no real great options for frying BTW. 
Just generally avoid eating fried foods (duh) but these are easy to avoid buying.
