I can see the northern lights from California right now https://m.primal.net/IFaT.jpg
GM ☕️
I will go outside
This morning's feed full of Aurora is amazing 🥹💜 nostr:nevent1qqsza5je9ew8x05q7v7trh844j0rst5x0ejwukrcyh8x3f6vxxnaj4qpz3mhxue69uhkummnw3ezummcw3ezuer9wcpzple86qwtret0kkzcqvrv0wnkhvphhus3ck6h83twfecv4pv82khsqvzqqqqqqya25sn7 GM ✨
Wow 👀👀
friend saw the same thing from Zurich - probably about the same latitude...
Northern CA?
Yeah, north of SF
My whole timeline on FB has been… https://image.nostr.build/06fb35b08ea60f23544daba1e2e85db20e448ef1f28b1e5c146ebaca4353b07d.jpg