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 5 years ago , the first case of covid-19 was found in wuhan, china. https://image.nostr.build/3726e66f4833ffe27d354e2fc54ac3d21c38718008f80657d476635f2dda612e.jpg  
 I remember telling people on reddit this was a viral bioweapon that would kill millions of people in early 2020 and being buried in downvotes and idiots saying it would be magically stopped before killing that many people, even in the /r/coronavirus subreddit

I also told people the vaccine was a bioweapon and they didn't listen to that either

You know what you can get a lot of people to believe is a bioweapon though? The concept of putting an air filter on your face. You can definitely find a place where saying "masks have been sent by the government to kill millions of people" will get you lauded instead of buried in downvotes.

I miss Digit. 
 Bad wording - I told people the American vaccination campaign was pushing bioweapons. There is no "the vaccine," there were multiple vaccines, including actual vaccines instead of bioweapons that were developed overseas but blocked from widespread deployment by the global deep state, and fully blocked from the US.