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 That's your name!

I  looked up my name and the definition said "Foot soldier".  However, I think someone made that up due to the debacle with some hot chick and a wooden horse stained with human waste thousands of years ago.

My last name means "(Son of) old and noble as the hills." 
 Wait really 🥹🫂🫂 I love that! That’s so strange you should say that too 🤔 been thinking about yellow dragons lately 🔥 it’s a sign! I don’t know what of, but something 

Aw 😂🤣 Foot soldier is such a cool name though 🫂 it’s like you’re a knight. Been thinking about those for a while too 🤔

That’s a really beautiful last name 🫂 
 Well, to be fair, we had the "yellow dragon" conversation before, but I think you're golden. 🙌 
 We did 🤯🫂 damn, maybe I’m a gold fish 😭🫂

Thank you Troy ☺️🫂 you’re gold too 🫂🫂🫂 ‘The Outsiders’ is one of my favourite books