@paloma is correct and ill add some nuance
Seed oils *RAW* aren’t too bad in small quantities.
-Plants dont want you to eat the seed, (its their reproductive method) so they have interesting ways to discourage foraging. (Toxins)
The single biggest issue with “seed” oils is that their expensive to refine.
-Cold pressing is time consuming and expensive in commercial quantities so instead they boil the seeds and drain off the oil. (damages the fat and effectively makes it rancid and toxic)
Seed oils are Omega-9 and are delicate.
-They spoil quickly even in the refrigerator and are often refined with detergent during processing to remove toxins that would otherwise make them taste bitter.
I could go on but you get the gist.
Just buy oils that are omega 3 or 6 and keep the omega 9s in your diet in the form of raw nuts. Don’t cook with them. (Or buy baked nuts, same problem)
Cook with beef fat/tallow. Cheaper, healthier and delicious.