Hey nostriches, BOLT 12: yay or nay? Why?
I'm leaning towards nay, but I need to do much more learning about lightning. It would be my dream for opposing strong technical minds to debate this in some long-form medium.
Yay, because privacy.
Yes, reusable private QR codes are extremely useful. Also, the payer has the ability to prove that they are the ones paying is a nice feature
Until I see it in action, indifferent
It's clunky and we don't need it anymore.
Yay because Bolt 12 enables common payment modes that don’t presently exist on lightning
Yay. It sucks having to run a bunch of extra services to accept lud16 payments. Additionaly a lightning address requires dns records pointing to registered domains and can be a privacy problem. #bolt12 #wtf_lnd?
Yay for reasons galore.
Yay. Bolt 12 is *the* top priority on the lightning roadmap afaic. If Zeus implements Bolt 12, then it will become my default lightning wallet.
Do you run a CLN node?
Only insofar as I have Green wallet on one of my devices, which is backended by Greenlight. I've been travelling for a while but the last node ran I was *cough* LND *cough* which liked to crash into a corrupt config without the ability to regain a stable state... to the extent that I started to wonder whether that behaviour is LND's main feature. (Lost some sats, but a useful lesson, and interesting to learn about Lightning Labs links with the WEF) CLN will be the next implementation that I run; I have a project in mind, so very keen to further experiment with Greenlight. N.B. I'm a product guy and not a dev.
check out this bolt12 prism plugin https://github.com/gudnuf/bolt12-prism