Oddbean new post about | logout
NVK | 17 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +114
 Stop being a little doomer bitch, the future is fucking bright. 
 Easy for you to say, you live in the Free Nation of Canada, not the USSA. 😉 
 Canada is def not free. 
 Really? Everyone there is so polite! 
 The people might be friendly, but that doesn’t mean they’re *free*. 
 It is here on Nostr 
 can't do. been doomer since 1993 and 486 dx1 🤪 
 The future is the Permission-less Society… I’m not saying it’s good or not. But it’s inevitable. 
 I'm glad monero is a thing, the future would be darker without it. 
 Bullish on the next decentralized whirlpool implementation that will be created by a nym. 

Stop questioning Saylors motives and modus operandi and the health and direction of the Bitcoin ecosystem in general.

Sit back in your fucking dirt- circle you filthy hippy and sing kumbaya. 
 lmao, good post 
 We need more positivity like this after a long week.  
 PV 🤙 
 Agree 💜 
 Bright from cops flashing lights in your eyes at 2am. 
 Future so bright, gotta wear shades 😎 
 Would be better if you included the determinate part of the optimism....

These sorts of posts come across as  indeterminate.  
 I hope so 
 "Kiss my FLUFFY ASS, you sad little BITCH."

~ Satoshi Nakomoto