Oddbean new post about | logout

If you can’t buy Bitcoin anonymously, then all the other claims about how it helps are moot, and in privacy terms, not too different from buying with credit cards.

Ignoring this doesn’t make it go away. But there are people - very big people - who are solving this problem, so these dreams can come true and the circle completed.

Or broken…which one?	

 Completed. We're building. 

Agreed, anonymity is the central issue. This juncture might be our last chance to stop the surveillance nightmare. 
 Wen @Azteco Azteco in Costco 👀 
 Why don’t you ask them? You and all their/your frenz. 
 I trust Azteco bus dev folks have reached out at higher levels, and this is insufficient. 

Happy to bring up asking for Azteco vouchers with my local meetups. 

Any lessons learned by your team asking BigCos to carry Azteco vouchers at the local store? 

Does your sales team have a bottom up playbook?

Anything that should be communicated to the local store manager? Anything that shouldn’t?

Who/where can I point the local manager to if they want to pursue further?