@Caffosaurus☕🍁:mayo: Caff... Roman Szmal have brought out new colours. oh dear. I don't think there's any must haves for me actually, I fancy 2 or 3 of the A. Gallo ones if they come back in stock, but not seeing anything hugely different here? https://media.spinster.xyz/0edc69bc35bec82969bd574709fc828b438bc75390e729a60ff07efb6ddcaa15.webp
Oh dear. There is one place that sells them in Canada. And they do free shipping.... https://gwartzmans.com/collections/roman-szmal?gclid=CjwKCAjwpJWoBhA8EiwAHZFzfvsDoP5U2BC9NPsEkqyjWkVjkbBlasyYz-4ainusE_VOl6VkhwZivhoC9y4QAvD_BwE